EPI-001 Datasheet DC Chemicals
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Cat.No DC8856
Name EPI-001

Chemical Properties

CAS 227947-06-0
Formula C21H27CLO5
MW 394.89
Storage 2 years -20°C Powder, 2 weeks 4°C in DMSO, 6 months -80°C in DMSO

Biological activity

In Vivo EPI-00 (20 mg/kg; i.v. every 5 d for 25 d) inhibits the growth of tumors and has no general toxicity in vivo[1]. EPI-00 (50 mg/kg; i.v.) blocks the androgen-axis and inhibits androgen-dependent tumor growth[1]. Animal Model: Male NOD-SCID mice (6-8 weeks) bearing LNCaP[1] Dosage: 20 mg/kg Administration: I.v. every 5 days for 25 days Result: Reduced tumors from 100.3±1.72 mm3 to 73.03±29.6 mm3 within 2 weeks. Did not cause general toxicity indicated by no change in animal behavior or body weight.
In Vitro EPI-001 (5-100 μM; 7 d) inhibits PCa/CRPC cell growth in a dose-dependent manner[2]. EPI-001 (50 μM) inhibits endogenous AR mRNA and protein expression in PCa and CRPC cell lines[2]. EPI-001 (50 μM) inhibits transcriptional activity of both AR TAU1 and TAU5[2]. Cell Proliferation Assay[2] Cell Line: PCa, CRPC, PC-3, DU 145, and T47D cell lines Concentration: 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 μM Incubation Time: 7 days Result: Inhibited growth of LNCaP cells at low concentrations. Inhibited growth of AR-negative PC-3 and DU 145 cell lines as well as the T47D breast carcinoma cell line. Western Blot Analysis[2] Cell Line: LNCaP, VCaP LAPC4, C4-2,22Rv1, and CWR-R1 cells Concentration: 50 μM Incubation Time: 8-16 hours Result: Decreased expression of full-length AR protein to varying degrees.
Kinase Assay
Cell Assay
Animal Administration


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