LY-2940680(Taladegib) Datasheet DC Chemicals
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Cat.No DC7191
Name LY-2940680(Taladegib)

Chemical Properties

CAS 1258861-20-9
Formula C26H24F4N6O
MW 512.5
Storage 2 years -20°C Powder, 2 weeks 4°C in DMSO, 6 months -80°C in DMSO

Biological activity

In Vivo
In Vitro Taladegib, a small-molecule antagonist of the smoothened receptor, shows a slight inhibitory effect on cell proliferation without differences between mucin- (IC50: Taladegib=49.8±4.5 μM) and mixed- Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) (IC50: Taladegib=61.2±21.1 μM)[1]. The IC50 for Taladegib inhibition of [3H]MRT-92 binding is right shifted (3- to 100-fold) for the S387AECL2, L325F3.36f, and D473H6.54f mutants but did not differ from that of WT receptor for the other mutants. The ability of SANT-1 to inhibit [3H]MRT-92 binding to V329F3.40f and T466F6.47f mutants is abolished, and it is severely impaired for L325F3.40f, I408F5.51f, and M525G7.45f mutants (4- to 140-fold drop of the IC50), but is not modified for the S387AECL2 mutant. Taken together, these data confirm our docking hypothesis that MRT-92-binding mode differs from that of either Taladegib or SANT-1 by simultaneously occupying binding sites 1 and 2[2].
Kinase Assay
Cell Assay
Animal Administration


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