Mps1-IN-2 Datasheet DC Chemicals
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Cat.No DC8119
Name Mps1-IN-2

Chemical Properties

CAS 1228817-38-6
Formula C26H36N6O3
MW 480.60244
Storage 2 years -20°C Powder, 2 weeks 4°C in DMSO, 6 months -80°C in DMSO

Biological activity

Target: Mps1:12 nM (Kd) GAK:140 nM (Kd) PLK1:61 nM (Kd) PLK3:1600 nM (Kd) PLK4:3100 nM (Kd) STK33:5000 nM (Kd)
In Vivo
In Vitro Mps1-IN-2 is a potent, selective and ATP-competitive Mps1 kinase inhibitor, with an IC50 and a Kd of 145 nM and 12 nM. Mps1-IN-2 also shows high affinity for PLK1 and GAK with Kds of 61 and 140 nM, respectively, but shows little or no inhibition on other 352 member kinases. Mps1-IN-2 can induces bypass of a checkpoint-mediated mitotic arrest in U2OS cells[1].
Kinase Assay The kinase binding assay is used to assess compound binding to TTK by monitoring displacement of a fluorescently labeled, ATP site-directed kinase inhibitor (Kinase Tracer 236) from the kinase active site. Each 15 μL assay contains 5 nM TTK, variable amounts of test compound (Mps1-IN-2), 30 nM Kinase Tracer 236, 2 nM Eu-anti-GST Antibody, and 1% DMSO (residual from compound dilution) in Kinase Buffer A (50 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA, 0.01% Brij-35). Binding assays are initiated by addition of 5 μL of test compound (from 2-fold dilution series) to 5 μL of a kinase/antibody mixture, followed by addition of 5 μL of antibody. Assay plates are read using using standard Eu-based TR-FRET settings with excitation at 340 nm and emission monitored at 615 nm (donor) and 665 nm (acceptor). Emission intensities are measured over a 200 µs window following a 100 µs post-excitation delay[1].
Cell Assay
Animal Administration


[1]. Kwiatkowski N, et al. Small-molecule kinase inhibitors provide insight into Mps1 cell cycle function. Nat Chem Biol. 2010 May;6(5):359-68.
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