Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Cell Cycle/DNA Damage
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73203 DI-87 Featured

DI-87 ((R)-DI-87) is a highly potent, specific, orally bioavailable deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) inhibitor with IC50 of 3.15 nM.

DC73204 F-aza-T-dCyd

F-aza-T-dCyd (NSC801845) is a novel cytidine analog and is more efficacious than aza-T-dCyd in cell culture and mouse xenograft studies in HCT-116 human colon carcinoma.

DC73205 JLT048

JLT048 is a small molecule inhibitor of tyrosyl-DNA-phosphodiesterases 1 and 2 (TDP1 and TDP2) with IC50 of 7.7 and 32 uM, respectively.

DC73206 PSB-071

PSB-071 (PSB071) is a small molecule inhibitor of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDase).

DC73207 PSB-0952

PSB-0952 (PSB0952) is a potent, selective ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (eN, CD73) inhibitor with Ki of 260 nM, >150-fold selectivity over NTPDases and P2Y receptor subtypes P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, and P2Y12.

DC73208 PSB-0963

PSB-0963 (PSB0963) is a potent, selective ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (eN, CD73) inhibitor with Ki of 150 nM, >100-fold selectivity over NTPDases.

DC73209 TH6342

TH6342 (TH-6342) is a specific small-molecule inhibitor against the dNTP triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) SAMHD1, inhibits the enzymatic activities of SAMHD1 against dGTP, Cl-F-ara-ATP, and ara-CTP with IC50 of 9.6, 11.0 and 5.8 uM, respectively.

DC73210 TH7528

TH7528 (TH-7528) is a specific small-molecule inhibitor against the dNTP triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) SAMHD1, inhibits the enzymatic activities of SAMHD1 against dGTP, Cl-F-ara-ATP, and ara-CTP with IC50 of 4.5, 2.8 and 2.6 uM, respectively.

DC73211 AMXI-5001

AMXI-5001 (AMXI 5001) is a novel, highly potent, orally active dual PARP1/2 (IC50 5/0.05 nM) and microtubule polymerization inhibitor, inhibits intracellular PAR formation with IC50 of 7 nM.

DC73212 G-631

G-631 is a potent and selective TNKS1/2 inhibitor with IC50 of 7 nM in biochemical assays of tankyrase auto-PARsylation activity, and cellular potency of 8 nM (HEK293).

DC73213 KMR-206

KMR-206 (KMR206) is a potent, selective PARP7 inhibitor with IC50 of 13.7 nM, displays 75-fold selectivity for PARP7 over PARP2 and does not inhibit PARP1 up to 3 uM.

DC73214 kt-3283

kt-3283 is a novel bi-functional PARP-HDAC inhibitor with IC50 of 0.338 nM, 2.19 nM and 1.89 uM for PARP1, PARP2 and HDACs, respectively.

DC73215 Mortaparib

Mortaparib is a dual inhibitor of mortalin-PARP1 interaction, and a p53 activating cytotoxic compound, induces activation of growth arrest and apoptosis signaling in cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.

DC73216 Mortaparib Plus

Morataprib Plus is a novel anticancer small molecule that disrupts mortalin-p53 interaction, prevents the interaction of mortalin with p53 resulting in the activation of growth arrest and apoptosis mediated by activation of p21WAF1 or BAX and PUMA signall

DC73218 HC-5404

HC-5404 (LY-4) is a potent, selective and orally active inhibitor of PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK, EIF2AK3) with IC50 of 1 nM.

DC73219 Allopole Featured

Allopole is the first allosteric, specfic and cell-permeable inhibitor of the noncatalytic polo-box domain (PBD) of PLK1 (Polo-like kinase 1), Allopole is the prodrug of Allopole-A.

DC73220 Allopole-A

Allopole-A is the first allosteric, specfic inhibitor of the noncatalytic polo-box domain (PBD) of PLK1 (Polo-like kinase 1) with IC50 of 2.5 nM in FP-based assays, Allopole-A is the active form of Allopole.

DC73221 SBE13

PLK1 inhibitor SBE13 is a potent, selective PLK1 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.2 nM, with little to no inhibition against PLK2/PLK3 (IC50, 65 uM/875 nM).

DC73222 (R)-BA-1049

(R)-BA-1049 is a potent, orally-available ROCK2-selective inhibitor with IC50 of 0.24 uM, 16-fold selectivity over ROCK-1.

DC73223 (S)-BA-1049

(S)-BA-1049 is a potent, orally-available ROCK2-selective inhibitor with IC50 of 0.24 uM, 16-fold selectivity over ROCK-1.

DC73224 C3TD879

C3TD879 is a potent, selective first-in-class Citron kinase (CITK) chemical inhibitor with biochemical IC50 of 12 nM.

DC73225 ITRI-E-(S)4046

ITRI-E-(S)4046 (E(S)4046) is a potent, highly specific, dual synergistic inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase 4 (MYLK4) and Rho-related protein kinase (ROCK) with IC50 of 3.2 nM and 25.6 nM for ROCK1 and MYLK4, respectively.

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