Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Epigenetics
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73262 DDO-8926

DDO-8926 is a potent selective inhibitor of bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) proteins with Ki values of 15 nM (BRD4 BD1) and 9.5 nM (BRD4 BD2).

DC73263 Dual PI3K/BET 18DS

Dual PI3K/BET 18DS is a potent, chimeric dual PI3K/BET bromodomain inhibitor, demonstrates high selectivity, nanomolar range cellular potency, and compelling in vivo efficacy.

DC73264 DUAL946

DUAL946 is a sub-micromolar inhibitor of both BET and class I & IIb HDAC proteins with IC50 of 0.05/0.25/0.42/14.13/34.89 uM for BRD4/HDAC1/HDAC2/HDAC5/HDAC7/HDAC9, respectively.

DC73265 DW-71177

DW-71177 (DW71177) is a potent and BD1-selective BET inhibitor with ITC KD of 6.7 nM (BRD4-BD1), 20-fold selective over BRD4-BD2, exhibits strong antileukemic activity.

DC73266 EA-89-YM35

BRD9 inhibitor EA-89 is a potent and selective inhibitor that binds to BRD9 in a novel way.

DC73267 FHT-2344

FHT-2344 (FHT2344) is a potent, selective inhibitor of SMARCA4 and SMARCA2 (BRG1 and BRM) with IC50 of 26 and 13 nM respectively, the ATPase component of the BAF complex.

DC73268 GNE-234

GNE-234 is the negative control compound of the selective PBRM1(2) inhibitor GNE-235.

DC73269 GNE-235

GNE-235 (GNE235) is a potent, selective inhibitor of the second bromodomain of polybromo-1 (PBRM1; BAF180; PB1) with KD value of 0.28 uM in BROMOscan assays.

DC73270 GSK023

GSK023 is a potent, selective BET BD1 domain inhibitor with pIC50 of 7.8 against BRD4 BD1, >100-fold selective over BD2.

DC73271 GSK761

GSK761 (GSK-761) is the first small molecule inhibitor of bromodomain-containing protein SP140, inhibits macrophage inflammatory function.

DC73272 HP-4833

HPI-1 is a high affinity BET bromodomain binder with low nM Kd for BRD2/3/4 and about 10-fold lower affinity for BRDT. HPI-1 shows much higher affinity to BD2 of BRD2 (17 nM), than to BD1 (540 nM), no apparent selectivity between BRD2/3/4.

DC73273 iBRD4-BD1

iBRD4-BD1 is a potent, selective inhibitor of the first BRD4 bromodomain with IC50 of 12 nM, shows 23- to 6200-fold intra-BET selectivity.

DC73274 IV-255

IV-255 is a next-generation selective inhibitor of BRG1 bromodomain, inhibits SWI/SNF complex and enhances DNA damage and cell death in glioblastoma.

DC73275 IV-275

IV-275 is a next-generation inhibitor of BRG1 and BRM bromodomains, inhibits SWI/SNF complex and enhances DNA damage and cell death in glioblastoma.

DC73276 PFI-6

PFI-6 is a selective small-molecule chemical probe inhibitor for the YEATS domain of MLLT1 and MLLT3 with IC50 of 140 nM and 160 nM, respectively.

DC73277 SJ1461

SJ1461 (SJ-1461) is a potent and orally bioavailable BET inhibitor with IC50 of 6.8/0.2 nM for BRD4 BD1/BD2, and 1.3/0.1 nM for BRD2 BD1/BD2, respectively.

DC73278 TDI-11055

TDI-11055 (TDI 11055) is a potent, selective and orally bioavailable inhibitor of the acyl-lysine reader ENL/AF9 YEATS domain with IC50 of 0.05 and 0.07 uM, respectively.

DC73279 XL-126

XL-126 (XL126) is a potent BD1-selective BET inhibitor with SPR binding KD value of 8.9 nM, has 185-fold BD1/BD2 selectivity.

DC73280 YEATS4 binder 4d

YEATS4 binder 4d is a potent, selective small-molecule epigenetic reader YEATS4 binder with Ki of 33 nM, >10-fold selectivity over YEATS1, 2 and 3.

DC73281 YEATS4 binder 4e

YEATS4 binder 4e is a potent, selective small-molecule epigenetic reader YEATS4 binder with Ki of 37 nM, >15-fold selectivity over YEATS1, 2 and 3.

DC73282 ZEN-3694

ZEN-3694 is a novel potent, orally bioavailable BET bromodomain inhibitor, selectively binds to both bromodomains of the BET proteins, inhibiting the interaction of acetylated histone peptide with IC50 values in low nM range.

DC73283 2,4-lutidine

2,4-lutidine is a small molecule targeting the UHRF1 tandem Tudor domain (TTD) with TR-FRET (His6-TTD vs. H3K9me3) EC50E of 29.2 uM.

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