Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Antibiotics and Antivirals > HIV
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC71483 WAY-383487

WAY-383487 is one of the Tat peptide derivatives and inhibits HIV-1 long terminal repeat-activated transcription.

DC71675 Raltegravir sodium

Raltegravir (MK 0518) sodium is a potent and orally active integrase (IN) inhibitor, used to treat HIV infection.

DC71712 EP39

EP39 is a potent HIV-1 maturation inhibitor. EP39 interacts with the SP1 domain of Gag. EP39 decreases the dynamics of CA-SP1 junction, by binding to the QVT motif of the SP1 domain, and perturbs the natural coil-helix equilibrium on both sides of the SP1 domain by stabilizing the transient alpha helical structure. EP39 acts by arresting maturation of HIV-1 thereby blocking its infectivity.

DC71713 ZLM-66

ZLM-66 is an orally active non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and biphenyl-containing doravirine analog. ZLM-66 shows an EC50 value of 13 nM against wild-type HIV-1. ZLM-66 can be used for the research of HIV.

DC72011 Abacavir hydrochloride

Abacavir hydrochloride is a competitive, orally active nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Abacavir hydrochloride can inhibits the replication of HIV. Abacavir hydrochloride shows anticancer activity in prostate cancer cell lines. Abacavir hydrochloride can trespass the blood-brain-barrier and suppresses telomerase activity.

DC72153 L-Fd4A

L-Fd4A is an adenine derivative. L-Fd4A has anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (EC50=1.5 μM) and anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) (EC50=1.7 μM) activity. L-Fd4A has low cytotoxicity.

DC72154 BI-2540

BI-2540 is a HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase (NNRT) inhibitor.

DC72155 L-2'-Fd4C

L-2'-Fd4C, is an l-nucleoside analogue. L-2'-Fd4C has anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity.

DC72263 SKF107457

SKF107457 is an HIV-1 protease inhibitor that can be used in AIDS research.

DC72292 JE-2147

JE-2147 (AG1776) is a potent dipeptide protease inhibitor with a Ki of 0.33 nM for HIV-1 protease. JE-2147 has effective activities against a wide spectrum of HIV-1, HIV-2, simian immunodeficiency virus, and various clinical HIV-1 strains in vitro.

DC72578 AZT triphosphate tetraammonium

AZT triphosphate (3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate) tetraammonium is an active triphosphate metabolite of Zidovudine (AZT). AZT triphosphate tetraammonium exhibits antiretroviral activity and inhibits replication of HIV. AZT triphosphate tetraammonium also inhibits the DNA polymerase of HBV. AZT triphosphate tetraammonium activates the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway.

DC72579 Carbovir triphosphate

Carbovir triphosphate (CBV-TP) is a phosphorylated metabolite. Carbovir triphosphate can be used for the research of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

DC72780 R-87366

R-87366 is a water-soluble human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitor. R-87366 has potent inhibitory for HIV protease with a Ki value of 11 nM. R-87366 can be used for the research of anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

DC72879 TBA-7371

TBA-7371 (TBA7371, AZ 7371) is a potent, non-covalent inhibitor of decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose 2'-epimerase (DprE1) with IC50 of 10 nM, an enzyme involved in mycobacterial cell wall biogenesis.

DC72984 GS-9770

GS-9770 is a potent, selective, non-peptidomimetic and orally active HIV protease inhibitor with Ki(app) value of 0.16 nM (recombinant HIV-1 PR).

DC72985 GSK3839919

GSK3839919 is a potent, allosteric HIV-1 integrase inhibitor (ALLINI).

DC72986 GSK878

GSK-878 (GSK878) is a highly potent, long-acting inhibitor targeting the HIV-1 capsid with picomolar potency against HIV-1 infection in vitro (EC50=39 pM).

DC72987 iPAF1C

iPAF1C (PAF1C inhibitor) is a first-in-class, specific inhibitor of polymerase-associated factor 1 complex (PAF1C), iPAF1C binds specifically to CTR9 and disrupts of PAF1-CTR9 interaction, enhances HIV-1 latency reversal.

DC72988 JX-7

JX-7 is a potent non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) with remarkable inhibitory activity against wild-type HIV-1 (EC50=5 nM) and numerous clinically observed variants in MT-4 cells.

DC72989 PAV-206

PAV-206 is a novel potent antiretroviral chemotype that inhibits HIV-1 replication with EC50 of 34 nM in HIV-1-infected MT-2 T cells, and 75 nM in HIV-1-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), inhibits HIV-1 replication by interfering with HI

DC72990 SO-7g

SO-7g is a novel highly active HIV-1 nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), exhibits moderate to excellent potency against wild-type HIV-1 with EC50 of 5.3 nM.

DC72991 TX-1918

TX-1918 (TX1918) is a specific inhibitor of HIV-1 capsid assembly taregting the C-terminal domain of HIV-1 capsid (CA CTD) with IC50 of 3.81 uM, inhibits viral replication (EC50=15.16 μM) and inhibits CA assembly in vitro.

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