Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > JAK/STAT Signaling
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC72045 (S)-PM-43I

(S)-PM-43I is a potent STAT6 inhibitor and can reduce STAT6 phosphorylation level. (S)-PM-43I can be used in allergic lung disease, allergic rhinitis, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease and cancer research[1].

DC72046 PM-81I

PM-81I is a potent STAT6 inhibitor (targeting the SH2 structural domain) that effectively reduces STAT6 phosphorylation levels. PM-81I can be used in studies of allergic lung disease, allergic rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cancer[1].

DC72210 NDI-034858(Zasocitinib) Featured

NDI034858 is a TYK2 inhibitor, target TYK2 JH2 domain with binding constant Kd of <200 pM.

DC72211 HP590

HP590 is an orally active, novel and potent STAT3 inhibitor (STAT3 luciferase activity: IC50=27.8 nM; ATP inhibition: IC50=24.7 nM). HP590 shows anti-proliferative activity to gastric cancer cells and induces apoptosis.

DC72355 STX-0119

STX-0119 is a selective, orally active STAT3 dimerization inhibitor. STX-0119 inhibits STAT3 transcription with an IC50 of 74 μM.

DC72356 GYY4137

GYY4137 is a novel, water-soluble hydrogen sulfide (H2S)–releasing molecule with vasodilator and antihypertensive activity. GYY4137 shows potent anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity through blocking the STAT3 pathway. GYY4137 also shows anti-inflammatory activity.

DC72357 inS3-54-A18

inS3-54A18 is a potent inhibitor of STAT3 with anti-cancer properties.

DC72648 Rovadicitinib hydrochloride

Rovadicitinib hydrochloride is a JAK inhibitor with an IC50 value <20 nM. Rovadicitinib hydrochloride also exhibits anti-inflammatory activity.

DC72649 Nimucitinib Featured

Nimucitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor.

DC72650 Pumecitinib

Pumecitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor with anti-inflammatory activity.

DC73567 ABBV-712

ABBV-712 is a potent, selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) with EC50 of 0.01 uM, binds and stabilizes the pseudokinase (JH2) domain of TYK2.

DC73568 ABT-317

ABT-317 (ABT317) is a potent, selective JAK1 inhibitor, inhibits IL-6-stimulated pSTAT3 (TF-1 cells, IC50=16 nM) and IL-2-stimulated pSTAT5 (T-blasts, IC50=30 nM).

DC73569 ATI-1777

ATI-1777 is a potent, selective and ATP-competitive JAK1/3 inhibitor with IC50 of 1.5/3.6/7.1/19.0 nM for JAK1/JAK2/JAK3/TYK2, respectively.

DC73570 AZD0449

AZD0449 (AZD-0449) is a potent and highly selective JAK1 inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 nM, displays >50-fold selectivity over TYK2 and JAK2, and no inhibition against JAK3.

DC73571 CPL409116

CPL409116 (CPL 409116) is a potent, competitive, dual JAK and ROCK inhibitor with IC50 of 0.95/5.36//0.87/110.6/106.7 nM for JAK1/JAK2/JAK3/ROCK1/ROCK2, respectively.

DC73572 MMT3-72

MMT3-72 is a gastrointestinal locally-activating Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor, readily converted to MMT3-72-M2 in the colon contents (JAK1 IC50=10.8 nM, JAK2 IC50=26.3 nM and TYK2 IC50=91.6 nM).

DC73573 QL-1200186

QL-1200186 is a potent, highly selective allosteric inhibitor of tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) with IC50 of 0.06 nM, targets pseudokinase regulatory domain (Janus homology 2, JH2) of the TYK2 protein.

DC73574 Ruxolitinib sulfate

A potent, selective, orally active JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor with IC50 of 3.3/2.8 nM, respectively.

DC73575 YLIU-5-162-1

YLIU-4-105-1 is a novel type II JAK2 inhibitor, binds to JAK2 kinase domain (JH1), show potential for overcoming acquired resistance to ruxolitinib.

DC73576 Z583

Z583 is a potent, highly selective JAK3 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.1 nM, 4500-fold selectivity over other JAK subtypes.

DC73577 DR-1-55

DR-1-55 (DR-155) is a selective STAT3 inhibitor that covalently modifies a cysteine in the SH2 domain of STAT3.

DC73578 K1836

K1836 is a small molecule Stattic analog inhibitor of STAT3 signalling.

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