Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Apoptosis > MDM2-p53
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73118 BAY 249716

BAY 249716 is a small molecule that modulate mutant p53 condensation, showed significant stabilization of all three p53 protein variants, p53WT p53R175H and p53Y220C.

DC73119 GY1-22

GY1-22 is a small molecule inhibitor against DNAJA1-mutP53R175H interacting pocket, reduces mutp53 protein expression in colon cancer cell line with p53R175H mutation.

DC73120 J012-3168

RPL11-MDM2 inhibitor S9 (J012-3168) is a small-molecule RPL11 mimetic and potential inhibitor of RPL11-MDM2 interaction, directly binds MDM2 and induces p53 stabilization and activation.

DC73121 K-181

K-181 is a specific small-molecule Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) inhibitor of Mdmx-p53 interaction, exhibits neuroprotective effects on ischemic stroke by disrupting Mdmx-p53 interaction and inhibiting HDAC6 activity.

DC73122 MMRi67

MMRi67 is a potent E3 ligase inhibitor of the MDM2-MDM4 E3 complex, inhibits RING-RING interaction of MDM4 and MDM2B with Kd of 896 nM.

DC73123 MMRi71

MMRi71 is a small molecule inhibitor of the E3 ligase activity of MDM2-MDM4, and an inducer of MDM4 and FTH1 dual protein degradation and p53-independent apoptosis in leukemia cells.

DC73124 Morncide

Morncide (Morn3 (222-237)) is a cell-penetrating, 16-AA Morn3-targeting peptide that disrupts the interaction between p53 and Morn3-mediated complex, Morncide peptide stabilizes and reactivates p53 in cancer cells.

DC73125 NSC146109

NSC146109 (XI-011) is a small-molecule p53 activator, induces apoptosis of breast cancer cells through inhibiting MDMX (MDM4) expression.

DC73126 ReACp53

ReACp53 is a cell-penetrating 17-residue peptide designed to inhibit p53 amyloid formation, rescues p53 function in cancer cell lines.

DC73127 UC2288

UC2288 is a small molecule p21 inhibitor, attenuates p21 protein abundance at 10 µM, independently of p53 activity and at the level of transcription or post-transcription.

DC73128 UCI-LC0019

UCI-LC0019 is a specific small molecule that restores mutant p53 activity by targeting the cryptic L1/S3 pocket of p53, directly binds to mutant p53 and restores wild-type-like conformation of mutant p53R175H.

DC73129 UCI-LC0023

UCI-LC0023 is a small molecule that restores mutant p53 activity by targeting the cryptic L1/S3 pocket of p53, directly binds to mutant p53 and restores wild-type-like conformation of mutant p53R175H.

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