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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73920 BI-0955

BI-0955 is an inactive HSD17B13 control compound for BI-3231.

DC73921 BI-9466

BI-9466 (BI 9466) is the negative control of NSD3-PWWP1 domain chemical probe BI-9321.

DC73922 BiTud

BiTud is a bivalent inhibitor against TDRD3 with binding Kd of 6 uM for tandem Tudor chimera, blocks the recruitment of TDRD3 by the two methylated arginines of G3BP1, suppress the phase separation of methylated G3BP1, TDRD3, and RNAs, and in turn inhibit

DC73923 BK697

BK697 is a small molecule targeting FIRΔexon2, potentially interacts with FIRΔexon2, significantly suppresses the FIRΔexon2 expression and inhibits tumor cell growth and several rRNA expressions.

DC73924 BNZ-1

BNZ-1 (BNZ132-1-40) is a pegylated peptide, BNZ132-1 conjugated with methoxy-PEG40 maleimide molecule via a specific linker (CGSGG), specifically binds the γc receptor to selectively block IL-2, IL-15 and IL-9 signaling.

DC73925 BNZ132-1

BNZ132-1 (QITISILSQINRVFHEKFI) is a specific peptide inhibitor for the IL-2/IL-15 subfamily, directly binds to the γc molecule (CD132).

DC73926 BR102910

BR102910 (BR 102910) is a novel potent, selective, oral fibroblast activation protein (FAP) inhibitor with IC50 of 1 nM.

DC73927 BRD4780

BRD4780 is a small molecule that releases MUC1-fs from TMED9-enriched compartments and promotes its anterograde trafficking to the lysosome, directly binds to TMED9.

DC73928 BRD8518

BRD8518 is a specific small molecule TRIB1 inducer, modulates expression of the key genes involved in VLDL production and in LDL clearance in HepG2 cells.

DC73929 BRM011

BRM011 (dual BRM and BRG1 inhibitor 11) is a potent, selective, allosteric dual BRM and BRG1 inhibitor with IC50 of <5 nM for both.

DC73930 Butaselen

Butaselen is a small molecule inhibitor of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR)/thioredoxin (Trx) with anti-tumor activity, inhibits the growth of various human cancer cell lines.

DC73931 C105SR

C105SR is small-molecule cyclophilin inhibitor with IC50 of 5 nM for inhibition of CypD PPIase activity and 9 nM for mitochondrial swelling.

DC73932 C10M

C10M is a small molecule inhibitor of C-reactive protein (CRP), inhibits the binding of pCRP to the physiological ligand phosphocholine (PC) with IC50 of 1.5 mM in ELISA assays.

DC73933 C902 Featured

C902 is a small-molecule inhibitor targeting LIN28-let-7 interaction, shows dose-dependent inhibition in an EMSA validation assay with IC50 of 5 uM.

DC73934 Calmirasone1

Calmirasone1 (Calmirasone 1) is a novel and potent covalent calmodulin (CaM) inhibitor with Kd of 0.87 uM.

DC73935 CARD8 activator CQ31

CARD8 activator CQ31 is a small molecule that selectively activates CARD8.

DC73936 CASK chemical probe 18

CASK chemical probe 18 is a highly potent and selective CASK inhibitor with IC50 of 22 nM.

DC73937 CB253

CB253 is a small molecule that selectively binds the hairpin form of r(G4C2)exp, inhibiting mechanisms that drive c9ALS/FTD pathobiology.

DC73938 CBK034026C

CBK034026C is a small molecule targeting metabolic vulnerabilities caused by N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) activity, exhibits specific toxicity towards colorectal cancer (CRC) cells with high NAT2 activity.

DC73939 CBLC000

CBLC000 (CBL0100) is a small molecule histone chaperone FACT inhibitor, activates p53 and inhibits NF-κB with EC50 of 0.06 and 0.03 uM in cell-based p53 and NF-κB reporter assays, respecitvely.

DC73940 CC-410

CC-410 (CC410) is a potent, specific inhibitor of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) with IC50 of 1.6 uM (human NNMT).

DC73941 CHD1Li 11

CHD1Li 11 (CHD1L inhibitor 11) is a small molecule inhibitor of chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 like (CHD1L) with IC50 of 4.57 uM.

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