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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73942 CIB-3b

CIB-3b is a small molecule inhibitor disrupting the TRBP-Dicer interaction, suppresses the growth and metastasis of HCC in vitro and in vivo by modulating expression profiles of miRNAome and proteome in HCC cells.

DC73943 Cimlanod

Cimlanod is a second-generation nitroxyl (HNO) donor..

DC73944 CK147

CK147 (CK-147) is a potent CD4 down-modulator with IC50 of 63 nM, inhibits Sec61-dependent cotranslational translocation of huCD4 in vitro.

DC73945 CKi-4

Creatine kinase inhibitor CKi-4 is a selective, covalent inhibitor of creatine kinases (CKs), inhibits recombinant creatine kinase B (CKB) phosphotransfer activity with IC50 of 0.3 uM, depletes creatine phosphagen energetics in cells.

DC73946 CKi-6

CKi-6 is a selective, covalent inhibitor of creatine kinases (CKs), inhibits recombinant creatine kinase B (CKB) phosphotransfer activity with IC50 of 0.6 uM, depletes creatine phosphagen energetics in cells.

DC73947 Cl-NIO

Cl-NIO is a potent, selective inhibitor of human dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (hDDAH-1) with Ki of 1.3 uM, > 500-fold selectivity against arginase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase.

DC73948 CMP05

CMP05 (Endosomolytic compound CMP05) is a novel endosomolytic small-molecule compound that exhibits higher transfection efficiency/ability to induce endosomal escape of oligonucleotides (ONs) than current compounds such as chloroquine.

DC73949 CMP05-7

CMP05-7 (Endosomolytic compound CMP05-7) is a novel endosomolytic small-molecule compound that exhibits higher transfection efficiency/ability to induce endosomal escape of oligonucleotides (ONs) than current compounds such as chloroquine.

DC73950 CNS-11

CNS-11 is a small molecules capable of disassembling preformed alpha-synuclein fibrils, may exert it's disaggregating effects on the N terminus of the fibril core.

DC73951 CNS-11g

CNS-11g is a small molecules capable of disassembling preformed alpha-synuclein fibrils, may exert it's disaggregating effects on the N terminus of the fibril core.

DC73952 Coproporphyrin III

Coproporphyrin III is a diffusible small molecule porphyrin excreted by human-associated Propionibacterium spp., induces Staphylococcus aureus aggregation and biofilm formation, also induces S. aureus to form a plasma-independent surface-attached biofilm.

DC73953 CPAG-1

CPAG-1 (PGRMC2 activator CPAG-1) is a small-molecule activator of PGRMC2.

DC73954 CPR1-B

CPR1-B is a longer-acting phenylhexanamide mitofusin activator, increases mitochondrial motility in MFN2 T105M expressing mouse DRGs with EC50 of 3.3 nM (Emax=89%).

DC73955 CQ211

CQ211 is a potent, highly selective RIOK2 inhibitor with Kd of 6.1 nM, shows excellent selectivity to RIOK2 in both enzymatic and cellular assays.

DC73956 CRS0540

CRS0540 is a potent, selective PolC DNA polymerase inhibitor that has demonstrated good in vitro and in vivo activity against Listeria monocytogenes.

DC73957 CT-179

CT-179 is a small molecule inhibitor of protein transcription factor OLIG2 (Oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2), CT-179 is a putative disruptor of OLIG2 homodimerization.

DC73958 CU-76

CU-76 (cGAS inhibitor CU-76) is a small-molecule human cGAS (hcGAS) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.24 uM.

DC73959 CW3388

CW3388 (CW-3388, CW3388) is a potent, cell-active Δ8,7-sterol isomerase (EBP) inhibitor, shows near-maximal effects on oligodendrocyte formation at 110 nM.

DC73960 CW4142

CW4142 (CW 4142) is a small molecule SC4MOL inhibitor that enhances oligodendrocyte formation.

DC73961 CW5107

CW5107 (CW 5107) is a small molecule HSD17B7 inhibitor that enhances oligodendrocyte formation.

DC73962 Cytochalasin B

Cytochalasin B is a cell-permeable mycotoxin that inhibits network formation by actin filaments, inhibits cell movement and induces nuclear extrusion.

DC73963 DB2313 Featured

DB2313 is a small-molecule transcription factor PU.1 inhibitor abrogating DNA binding by PU.1 with Kd of 29 nM.

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