Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC71145 KIRA9

KIRA9 is a potent IRE1 inhibitor (IC50=4.8 μM in INS-1 cells). KIRA9 is able to fully engage the ATP-binding site of IRE1α. KIRA9 can block ER-localized mRNA decay and apoptosis.

DC71161 LX-039

LX-039 is a highly potent, selective and orally active estrogen receptor degrader with EC50 value of 2.29 nM. LX-039 has indole C-3 chlorine atom. LX-039 exhibits excellent mouse pharmacokinetics, low clearance, high Cmax and oral exposure. LX-039 has anti-tumor activity.

DC71180 GEM-5

GEM-5 is a gemcitabine-based conjugate containing a HIF-1α inhibitor (YC-1) (IC50=30 nM). GEM-5 can significantly down-regulate the expression of HIF-1α and up-regulate the expression of tumor suppressor p53. GEM-5 induces the apoptosis of A2780 cells and inhibits tumor growth.

DC71186 CD2314

CD2314 is a potent and selective RARβ receptor agonist with a Kd of 195 nM in S91 melanoma cells.

DC71195 Fmoc-leucine

Fmoc-leucine is a selective PPARγ modulator. Fmoc-leucine activates PPARγ with a lower potency but a similar maximal efficacy than rosiglitazone. Fmoc-leucine improves insulin sensitivity in normal, diet-induced glucose-intolerant, and in diabetic db/db mice. Fmoc-leucine has a lower adipogenic activity.

DC71197 H-​Trp-​Glu-​OH

H-​Trp-​Glu-​OH is a selective, reversible and cell-permeable PPARγ with a Kd of ~8 µM. H-​Trp-​Glu-​OH might be developed as a possible lead compound in diabetes research.

DC71232 PSDalpha

PSDalpha is an ERα degrader conjugating photosensitizer (PS), triphenylamine benzothiadiazole (TB) and 17β-estradiol via an acetylene bond. PSDalpha shows excellent anti-proliferation performance on MCF-7 cells. The maximum absorption wavelength of PSDalpha in the visible region is located at 465 nm.

DC71399 MPP hydrochloride

MPP hydrochloride is a potent and selective ER (estrogen receptor) modulator. MPP hydrochloride induces significant apoptosis in the endometrial cancer and oLE cell lines. MPP hydrochloride reverses the positive effects of beta-estradiol. MPP hydrochloride has mixed agonist/antagonist action on murine uterine ERalpha in vivo.

DC71400 SR19881

SR19881 is a potent dual agonist of ERRγ and ERRβ, with EC50 values of 0.39 and 0.63 μM, respectively.

DC71401 Ferutinin

Ferutinin, a natural terpenoid compound, is an estrogen receptor ERα agonist and estrogen ERβ-receptor agonist/antagonist with IC50s of 33.1 nM and 180.5 nM, respectively. Ferutinin acts as an electrogenic Ca2+-ionophore that increases calcium permeability of lipid bilayer membranes, mitochondria. Ferutinin possesses estrogenic, antitumor, antibacterial and antiinflammatory activities.

DC71402 OBHS

OBHS is an estrogen receptor α (ERα) inhibitor. OBHS can also be used as a blowing agent.

DC71403 PAIR2

PAIR2 is a potent and selective partial antagonist of IRE1α RNase. PAIR2 can completely occupy IRE1α’s ATP-binding site in cells and block the ability of a potent KIRA to inhibit XBP1 splicing.

DC71404 Leriglitazone hydrochloride

Leriglitazone (Hydroxypioglitazone) hydrochloride, a metabolite of pioglitazone. Leriglitazone (Hydroxypioglitazone) hydrochloride PioOH is a PPARγ agonist, stabilizes the PPARγ activation function-2 (AF-2) co-activator binding surface and enhances co-activator binding, affording slightly better transcriptional efficacy. Leriglitazone (Hydroxypioglitazone) hydrochloride binds to the PPARγ C-terminal ligand-binding domain (LBD) with a Ki of 1.2 μM,Leriglitazone induces transcriptional efficacy of the PPARγ (LBD) with an EC50 of 680 nM.

DC71405 11-Hydroxysugiol

11-Hydroxysugiol regulates the SUMOylation of intracellular receptors by modulating RARα and vitamin D3 receptor (VDR).

DC71406 (±)-ML 209

(±)-ML 209 (compound 4n), a diphenylpropanamide, is a retinoic acid-related orphan receptor RORγ antagonist with an IC50 of 1.1 μM. (±)-ML 209 inhibits RORγt transcriptional activity with an IC50 of 300 nM in HEK293t cells. (±)-ML 209 inhibits the transcriptional activity of RORγt, but not RORα in cells. (±)-ML 209 selectively inhibits murine Th17 cell differentiation without affecting the differentiation of naïve CD4+ T cells into other lineages, including Th1 and regulatory T cells.

DC71559 IZTZ-1 Featured

IZTZ-1, an imidazole-benzothiazole conjugate, is a c-MYC G4 ligand. IZTZ-1 is able to downregulate the c-MYC expression by stabilizing c-MYC G4. IZTZ-1 induces cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, thereby inhibiting cell proliferation in B16 cells. IZTZ-1 shows antitumor activity, and can be used for melanoma research.

DC71560 Enclomiphene

Enclomiphene ((E)-Clomiphene) is a potent and orally active non-steroidal estrogen receptor antagonist, with antioestrogenic property. Enclomiphene can be used for the research of ovarian dysfunction, testosterone deficiency, male hypogonadism and type 2 diabetes.

DC71561 EIF2α activator 2

EIF2α activator 2 (Compound 1) is an activator of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) phosphorylation. EIF2α activator 2 exhibits high potency in SRB cell proliferation assays (IC50=0.46 μM). EIF2α activator 2 exhibits antiproliferative activity againist K562 and PBMC cells with IC50s of 4.79 and 10.52 μM, respectively.

DC71562 EIF2α activator 1

EIF2α activator 1 (Compound 40) is an activator of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) phosphorylation. EIF2α activator 1 increases the expression level of eIF2α downstream proteins, ATF and CHOP. EIF2α activator 1 exhibits antiproliferative activity againist K562 and PBMC cells with IC50s of 4.00 and 19.3 μM, respectively.

DC71563 NXPZ-2

NXPZ-2 is an orally active Keap1-Nrf2 protein–protein interaction (PPI) inhibitor with a Ki value of 95 nM, EC50 value of 120 and 170 nM. NXPZ-2 can dose-dependently ameliorate Aβ[1-42]-Induced cognitive dysfunction, improve brain tissue pathological changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse by increasing neuron quantity and function. NXPZ-2 can inhibit oxidative stress by increasing Nrf2 expression levels and promoting its cytoplasm to nuclear translocation, which is helpful for Keap1-Nrf2 PPI inhibitors and AD associated disease research.

DC71564 2-(Tetradecylthio)acetic acid

2-Tetradecylthio acetic acid is a pan-peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (pan-PPAR) activator. 2-Tetradecylthio acetic acid induces hypolipidemia. 2-Tetradecylthio acetic acid reduces plasma lipids and enhances hepatic fatty acid oxidation in rodents. 2-Tetradecylthio acetic acid increases the expression of genes involved in fatty acid uptake, activation, accumulation, and oxidation.

DC71565 GW1929 hydrochloride

GW1929 hydrochloride is an orally active peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) agonist with a pKi of 8.84 for human PPAR-γ, and pEC50s of 8.56 and 8.27 for human PPAR-γ and murine PPAR-γ, respectively. GW1929 hydrochloride has antidiabetic efficacy and neuroprotective potential. GW1929 hydrochloride suppresses neuronal apoptosis and shows anti-inflammatory potential.

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