Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > JAK/STAT Signaling > Pim
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC48187 PIM-IN-1

PIM-IN-1 is a pan-PIM kinase inhibitor (KG-1, EC50 = 61 nM; pS6, EC50 = 71 nM).

DC70081 GDC-0339

GDC-0339 (GDC0339) is a novel small molecule pan-Pim kinase inhibitor that was discovered as a potential treatment for multiple myeloma.

DC70526 JP-11646 Featured

JP-11646 is a novel potent, selective, non-ATP competitive Pim2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.5/1/24 nM for Pim2/3/1, respectively; shows less potency for other kinases in a kinase selectivity panel; exhibits 4-760-fold greater suppression of MM proliferation and viability than ATP-competitive PIM inhibitors; significant reduces tumor burden and increases median survival in xenogeneic myeloma murine models.

DC70675 OX01401

OX01401 (OX-01401, OX1401) is a potent, selective and cell active inhibitor of the PIM kinase family (PIM1 IC50=15.1 nM).OX01401 inhibited proliferation of two PIM-expressing leukaemic cancer cell lines, MV4-11 (IC50=0.5 uM) and PC3 cell (IC50=1.1 uM), and to reduced intracellular phosphorylated 4EBP1 protein in a concentration dependent manner.

DC71795 Quercetagetin

Quercetagetin (6-Hydroxyquercetin), a flavonoid, is a moderately potent and selective, cell-permeable Pim-1 kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.34 μM.

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