Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Wnt/Notch/Hedgehog
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70941 β-catenin inhibitor C2

β-catenin inhibitor C2 is a novel potent selective β-catenin inhibitor with Kd of 54.96 nM, directly to ARM domain of β-catenin.β-catenin inhibitor C2 reduced viability of DLD1 and SW480 cells in dose-dependent manner with IC50 ranging between 0.8-1.3 uM, viability of HCT116 and SW48 with IC50 3.45-5.35 uM.β-catenin inhibitor C2 selectively inhibits β-catenin, lowers its cellular load and significantly reduces viability of β-catenin-driven cancer cells.

DC71176 TC-G 24 Featured

TC-G 24 (Compound 24) is a potent, selective glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) inhibitor with an IC50 of 17.1 nM.

DC71240 ARN25068

ARN25068 is a sub-micromolar inhibitor of the three protein kinases, GSK-3β, FYN and DYRK1A to tackle tau hyperphosphorylation.

DC71965 3-epi-Vitamin D3

3-epi-Vitamin D3 (Epicholecalciferol) (Compound 4), a Vitamin D3 analogue, is a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor with an IC50 of 39.2 μM measured in U87MG cells.

DC71966 RUSKI-201 dihydrochloride

RUSKI-201 dihydrochloride is a potent and specific Hedgehog acyltransferase (Hhat) inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.20 μM. RUSKI-201 dihydrochloride is able to block Hh signaling from Shh overexpressing cells and inhibits Hh palmitoylation. RUSKI-201 dihydrochloride is potential Hhat chemical probe in cells and can used in studies of Hhat catalytic function.

DC72123 IHMT-MST1-58

IHMT-MST1-58 is a potent, selective mammalian and orally active STE20-like protein 1 kinase (MST1) inhibitor with IC50 value of 23 nM. IHMT-MST1-58 can be used for the research of Type 1/2 diabetes.

DC72497 MU1742

MU1742 is a probe for CK1δ and CK1ε protein kinases.

DC72498 JNJ-6204

JNJ-6204 is a dual inhibitor for CSNK1D (Casein Kinase 1 Delta) and CSNK1E (Casein Kinase 1 Epsilon) (CSNK1D IC50=2.3 nM; CSNK1E IC50=137 nM). JNJ-6204 shows good brain exposure.

DC72539 RL-0070933

RL-0070933 is a potent smo cilial modulator with an EC50 value of 0.02 µM. RL-0070933 modulates the translocation and/or accumulation of smoothened to the primary cilia by hedgehog signaling pathway.

DC74440 CW85319

CW85319 is a small-molecule compound that enhances Axin2's interaction with GSK3β, shows a high-affinity binding with Axin2 with Kd of 5.8 uM.

DC74441 iCRT-3

iCRT-3 is a selective, cell-permeable β-catenin responsive transcription (CRT) inhibitor with IC50 of 8.2 nM.

DC74442 IMU1003

IMU1003 (IMU-1003) is a small molecule inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, decreases β-catenin levels and inhibits target gene expression that promotes cancer cell proliferation.

DC74443 AB668

AB668 is a selective, bivalent Casein Kinase 2 (CK2) inhibitor targeting the ATP site and the αD pocket, AB668 inhibits the CK2 holoenzyme with Ki value of 41 nM (IC50=65 nM).

DC74444 CKR-49-17

CKR-49-17 is a potent, allosteric small molecule activator of CK1γ2 with Kd value of 180 nM in MST assays.

DC74445 FL-1607

FL-1607 is a novel Fam20C inhibitor with potent anti-proliferative effects on TNBC cells, induces apoptosis and inhibits migration in MDA-MB-468 cells.

DC74447 SGC-CK2-1 analog 2h

SGC-CK2-1 analog 2h is potent, selective and in vivo active inhibitor of casein kinase 2α (CSNK2A, CK2α) with pIC50 of 7.5 and 7.7 against CSNK2A1 and CSNK2A2, respectively.

DC74448 SR-4133

SR-4133 (SR4133) is a potent and highly selective CK1ε isoform inhibitor with IC50 of 58 nM, no significant acitivity agianst CK1δ (IC50>10,000 nM).

DC74449 BMD4702

BMD4702 is a small molecule Dishevelled (Dvl) PDZ domain with binding Kd of 186 nM.

DC74450 BMD4722

BMD4722 is a highly potent, small-molecule inhibitor of Dvl-CXXC5 interaction with IC50 of 2.59 uM, directly binds to the Dvl PDZ domain (Kd=22.3 uM).

DC74451 NPL-4011

NPL-4011 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of PDZ domain of human Dvl1 (Dvl1-PDZ) with KD vaule of 34.5 uM in NMR titration experiments.

DC74452 MDB5

MDB5 is a potent hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway inhibitor, exhibits stronger inhibition of the Hh pathway and anticancer effect in vitro and vivo than GDC-0449.

DC74453 Picoberin

Picoberin is a highly potent (low picomolar) inhibitor of purmorphamine- and Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-induced osteogenesis with IC50 of 3 pM, acts as an AhR agonist and induces the expression of AhR target genes, thereby suppressing osteoblast differentiation

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