Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > Cannabinoid Receptor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC72186 ANEB-001

ANEB-001 is an orally active CB1 inhibitor, can be used to research acute cannabinoid intoxication.

DC72620 GW 833972A

GW 833972A is a selective CB2 receptor agonist. GW 833972A inhibits induced nerve depolarization and citric acid-induced cough in animal models.

DC72621 Pirnabine

Pirnabine is a cannabinoid receptor ligand. Pirnabine can be used for the research of glaucoma.

DC72907 CB-25

CB-25 is a ligand of CB1 cannabinoid receptors, acting as a partial agonist. CB-25 enhances Forskolin-induced cAMP formation in cancer cells but not hCB1-CHO cells.

DC73386 AM6527

AM6527 is a highly potent, selective cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist with binding Ki of 4.88 nM, 100-fold selective over CB2 receptors.

DC73387 JM-00266

JM-00266 is a novel non-brain penetrant cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) inverse agonist.

DC73388 JWH133

JWH133 (JWH-133) is a potent and selective CB2 agonist with Ki of 3.4 nM, 200-fold selective over CB1 receptors, inhibits glioma growth in vivo.

DC73389 LEI-102

LEI-102 (LEI 102) is a potent, selective cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonist with binding pKi of 8.0, 1000-fold selectivity over CB1R.

DC73390 URB447

URB447 (URB-447) is a peripherally restricted CB(1) antagonist/CB(2) agonist with IC50 of 313 nM (rat CB1) and 41 nM (human CB2).

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