Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > mGluR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10160 (1R,2S)-VU0155041

(1R,2S)-VU0155041, Cis regioisomer of VU0155041, is a partial mGluR4 agonist with an EC50 of 2.35 μM.

DC11609 VU6010608

A potent, highly selective, CNS penetrant mGlu7 negative allosteric modulator with IC50 of 0.76 uM.

DC11895 Foliglurax hydrochloride

A potent, selective, brain-penetrant and orally bioavailable mGluR4 positive allosteric modulator with EC50 of 79 nM.

DC11894 Foliglurax

A potent, selective, brain-penetrant and orally bioavailable mGluR4 positive allosteric modulator with EC50 of 79 nM.

DC8087 ADX 47273 Featured

ADX-47273 is a novel, potent and selective metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 allosteric modulator with an EC50 of 170 nM.

DC10465 ADX-88178 Featured

ADX-88178 is a novel potent, selective, and brain-penetrant positive allosteric modulator of the mGlu4 receptor.

DC9937 BMT-145027

BMT-145027 is a potent mGluR5 PAM with no inherent mGluR5 agonist activity.

DC9508 CPPHA Featured

CPPHA is a selective positive allosteric modulator of mGluR5 receptor.

DC7016 JNJ40411813

For the detailed information of JNJ40411813, the solubility of JNJ40411813 in water, the solubility of JNJ40411813 in DMSO, the solubility of JNJ40411813 in PBS buffer, the animal experiment (test) of JNJ40411813, the cell expriment (test) of JNJ40411813, the in vivo, in vitro and clinical trial test of JNJ40411813, the EC50, IC50,and Affinity of JNJ40411813, Please contact DC Chemicals..

DC7843 JNJ 42153605 Featured

JNJ 42153605 is a positive allosteric modulator of the metabotropic glutamate 2 receptor.

DC7547 LY341495

LY341495 is a highly potent and selective group II metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist. (Ki/IC50 values are 2.3, 1.3, 173, 990, 6800, 8200 and 22000 nM for human mGlu2, mGlu3, mGlu8 , mGlu7a, mGlu1a, mGlu5a and mGlu4a receptors respectively).

DC11323 LY354740

LY354740 is an agonist of the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) subtypes mGluR2 and mGluR3 (Kis = 99 and 94 nM, respectively).

DC7192 LY-404039 Featured

LY404039 is an inhibitor for mGluR1(Ki=149 nM) and mGluR2(Ki= 92 nM), which can also inhibit dopamine receptor.

DC7681 Mavoglurant (AFQ 056) Featured

Mavoglurant (AFQ056) is an experimental drug candidate for the treatment of fragile X syndrome.It exerts its effect as an antagonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGLU5).

DC9507 MTEP (hydrochloride)

MTEP Hcl is a potent, selective and non-competitive mGlu5 antagonist with IC50 and Ki of 5 nM and 16 nM, respectively.

DC9752 PHCCC Featured

PHCCC is a Group I metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist (IC50 ~ 3 μM).

DC7721 RG7090(Basimglurant) Featured

RG7090(CTEP Derivative,Basimglurant, RO4917523) is a negative modulator of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5; GRM5).

DC9074 Topiramate

Topiramate is an anticonvulsant that antagonizes GluR5 receptors and acts as a positive allosteric modulator of GABA receptor-mediated currents.

DC9928 VU 0364770 Featured

VU 0364770 is a positive allosteric modulator(PAM) of mGlu4 with EC50 of 1.1 μM, exhibits insignificant activity at 68 other receptors, including other mGlu subtypes.

DC11121 VU0418506

VU0418506 (VU 0418506) is a potent and selective mGlu4 positive allosteric modulator (PAM) with EC50 of 68 nM (hmGlu4).

DC11437 VU0652957 Featured

VU0652957 (VU2957, Valiglurax) is a potent, selective mGlu4 positive allosteric modulator (PAM) with EC50 of 64.6 nM in calcium mobilization human mGlu4/Gqi5 assays; showes excellent pharmacokinetics across species (low CLps, %F > 35%), an acceptable CYP profile (>30 uM vs. 3A4, 2D6 and 2C9, 12.5 uM vs. 2C19 and 1.5 uM vs. 1A2), no CYP induction or timedependent inhibition and excellent metabolite coverage across species; also shows attractive predicted human PK parameters (CLps 5-9 mL/min/kg, Vds 1-2 L/kg and t1/2 2-4 hours).

DC10717 VU6005649 Featured

VU6005649 is a dual mGlu7/8 positive allosteric modulator with EC50s of 649 nM and 2.6 μM for mGlu7 and mGlu8, respectively.

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