Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Cytoskeleton/Cell Adhesion Molecules > Arp2/3 complex
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC7386 CK-636 Featured

CK-636(CK-0944636) is a small molecule inhibitor of Arp2/3 complex; Inhibitor of actin polymerization; Cell permeable inhibitor of human (IC50=4μM), fission yeast (IC50=24μM) and bovine (IC50=32μM) Arp2/3 complex between Arp2 and Arp3.

DC11475 CK-869 Featured

CK-869 is an inhibitor of human and bovine actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex.

DC40213 Benproperine phosphate

Benproperine phosphate is an orally active, potent actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2 (ARPC2) inhibitor. Benproperine phosphate attenuates the actin polymerization rate of action polymerization nucleation by impairing Arp2/3 function. Benproperine phosphate has the potential for a cough suppressant and suppresses cancer cell migration and tumor metastasis.

DC41541 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor

187-1, N-WASP inhibitor, a 14-aa cyclic peptide, is an allosteric neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) inhibitor. 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor potently inhibits actin assembly induced by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) with an IC50 of 2 μM. 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor prevents the activation of Arp2/3 complex by N-WASP by stabilizing the autoinhibited state of the protein.

DC41542 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor TFA

187-1, N-WASP inhibitor TFA, a 14-aa cyclic peptide, is an allosteric neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) inhibitor. 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor TFA potently inhibits actin assembly induced by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) with an IC50 of 2 μM. 187-1, N-WASP inhibitor TFA prevents the activation of Arp2/3 complex by N-WASP by stabilizing the autoinhibited state of the protein.

DC47770 CK-666

CK-666 is an inhibitor of the actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex with IC50 of 17 μM and 5 μM for BtArp2/3 complex and SpArp2/3 complex, respectively.

DC48690 Wiskostatin

Wiskostatin is a potent and selective inhibitor of neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP)-mediated actin polymerization. Wiskostatin causes a rapid, profound, and irreversible decrease in cellular ATP levels.

DC72598 EG-011 Featured

EG-011 is the first-in-class and potent Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) activator. EG-011 activates the auto-inhibited form of WASP with strong actin polymerization. EG-011 has selective anti-tumor activity in lymphomas.

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