Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > NF-κB Pathway > MALT1
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11066 MALT1 paracaspase inhibitor 3

MALT1 paracaspase inhibitor 3 is a potent, specific, covalent inhibitor of MALT1 paracaspase with Ki of 10 nM, exhibits 10-and 100-fold improved potency in vitro and in vivo compared with Z-VRPR-fmk.

DC9503 MI 2 (MALT1 inhibitor) Featured

MI 2(MALT1 inhibitor) is a small molecule and irreversible inhibitor of MALT1 with IC50 of 5.84 uM(suppression of proliferation in ABCDLBCL).

DC7621 MI 2 (Menin-MLL Inhibitor) Featured

MI-2 is an inhibitor of MALT1 with IC50 value of 5.84 μM.

DC40281 Mepazine hydrochloride

Mepazine hydrochloride (Pecazine hydrochloride) is a potent and selective MALT1 protease inhibitor with IC50s of 0.83 and 0.42 μM for GSTMALT1 full length and GSTMALT1 325-760, respectively. Mepazine hydrochloride affects viability of ABC-DLBCL cells by enhancing apoptosis.

DC42356 MLT-231 Featured

MLT-231 is a potent, highly selective allosteric MALT1 with an IC50 of 9 nM. MLT-231 specifically prevents endogenous BCL10 cleavage with IC50 of 160 nM. MLT-231 shows antitumor activity in an ABC-DLBCL type xenograft model in mouse.

DC46393 JNJ-67856633 Featured

JNJ-67856633 is an orally active, first-in-class, potent, selective and allosteric MALT1 protease inhibitor. JNJ-67856633 in some cases lead to tumor stasis.


Z-VRPR-FMK (TFA) (VRPR), a tetrapeptide, is a selective and irreversible MALT1 (Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1) inhibitor. Z-VRPR-FMK (TFA) can protect against influenza A virus (IAV) infection.

DC48250 MLT-985 Featured

MLT-985 is a highly selective allosteric MALT1 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 3 nM.

DC70983 (R)-MLT-985

(R)-MLT-985 (compound 11) is a potent MALT1 protease inhibitor with an IC50 of 3 nM. (R)-MLT-985 has an IC50 of 20 nM for MALT1-dependent IL-2 production in Jurkat cells. (R)-MLT-985 suppresses growth and aberrant CARD11/BCL10/MALT1 complex signaling in ABC-DLBCL cells.


NVS-MALT1 is a MALT1 allosteric inhibitor.

DC72411 RGT-068A

RGT-068A is a potent, selective and oral bioavailable MALT1 inhibitor.


Z-VRPR-FMK is an irreversible MALT1 protein inhibitor. Z-VRPR-FMK inhibits the growth and invasion of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by inhibiting MALT1-induced NF-κB activation and MMP expression.

DC73798 MLT-827

MLT-827 is a potent and selective inhibitor of MALT1 paracaspase activity with IC50 of 5 nM.

DC73799 MLT-943

MLT-943 is a potent and selective MALT1 protease inhibitor with IC50 of 40 nM in IL-2 reporter gene assay (Jurkat T cells), inhibits human PBMC IL-2 release with IC50 of 74 nM.

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