Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > GNRH Receptor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC28721 BAY1214784 Featured

BAY 1214784 is an orally available, potent, and selective hGnRH-R antagonist. BAY 1214784 effectively lowered plasma luteinizing hormone levels by up to 49%, at the same time being associated with low pharmacokinetic variability and good tolerability.

DC41492 Cetrorelix diacetate

Cetrorelix diacetate (SB-075 diacetate) is a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist with an IC50 of 1.21 nM.

DC41535 Kisspeptin-54(human)

Kisspeptin-54(human) (Metastin(human)) is an endogenous ligand for kisspeptin receptor (KISS1, GPR54). Kisspeptin-54(human) binds to rat and human GPR54 receptors with Ki values of 1.81 nM and 1.45 nM, respectively. Kisspeptin-54(human) hinders tumor metastasis and stimulates gonadotropin secretion.

DC41536 Kisspeptin-54(human) TFA

Kisspeptin-54(human) TFA (Metastin(human) TFA) is an endogenous ligand for kisspeptin receptor (KISS1, GPR54). Kisspeptin-54(human) TFA binds to rat and human GPR54 receptors with Ki values of 1.81 nM and 1.45 nM, respectively. Kisspeptin-54(human) TFA hinders tumor metastasis and stimulates gonadotropin secretion.

DC42308 Lecirelin

Lecirelin is a synthetic GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) analogue which shows a great efficacy in the treatment of bovine ovarian follicular cysts.

DC49638 BAY 1214784

BAY 1214784 is a potent, selective, and orally active antagonist of the human gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (hGnRH-R). BAY 1214784 is a spiroindoline derivative compound. BAY 1214784 effectively lowers plasma luteinizing hormone levels by up to 49%, at the same time being associated with low pharmacokinetic variability and good tolerability. BAY 1214784 has the potential for the research of uterine fibroids.

DC70437 GnRH antagonist 2

GnRH antagonist 2 is a GnRH receptor antagonist that can be used for endometriosis research.

DC72192 Ozarelix

Ozarelix (D-63153) is a GnRH antagonist. Ozarelix induces cell apoptosis and arrests cell in G2/M phase. Ozarelix can be used in the research of prostate cancer.

DC72193 Teverelix

Teverelix (EP 24332) is a GnRH antagonist. Teverelix binds competitively and reversibly to GnRH receptors, thereby suppressing the release of LH and FSH. Teverelix can be used in the research of prostatic hyperplasia, endometriosis, and prostate cancer.

DC72331 Acyline

Acyline , a GnRH peptide analogue, is a GnRH antagonist that inhibits gonadotropin and testosterone (T) levels.

DC73439 Merigolix

Merigolix is a potent, selective gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist.

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