Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Tyrosine Kinase > Ack1 (TNK2)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9330 AIM-100 Featured

AIM-100 is a small molecule inhibitor of Ack1 with an IC50 of 24 nM IC50 value: 24 nM [3] Target: Ack1 Ack1 inhibitor AIM-100 not only inhibited Ack1 activation but also suppressed AKT tyrosine phosphorylation, leading to cell cycle arrest in the G1 ph

DC9941 XMD16-5 Featured

XMD16-5 is a novel TNK2 inhibitor.

DC9940 XMD8-87 Featured

XMD8-87 is a novel TNK2 inhibitor.

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