Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Antibiotics and Antivirals > Prion
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11998 IND-114338

A novel antiprion compound with EC50 of 68 nM, significantly increases monoglycosylated/diglycosylated PrPSc..

DC11997 IND125

A novel brain penetrant antiprion compound with EC50 of 57 nM, prevents both PrP(Sc) accumulation and astrocytic gliosis in the cerebrum.

DC10168 Anle138b Featured

Anle138b is a novel oligomer modulator.

DC73028 ARN1468

ARN1468 is an anti-prion, cellular active small molecule targeting SERPINA3 (ITC KD=26 uM), decreases prion accumulation and reduces PrPSc in the ScGT1 RML cell line with EC50 of 8.64 uM.

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