Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Antibiotics and Antivirals > Enterovirus
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC8063 T-00127-HEV1 Featured

T-00127-HEV1 is a novel potent phosphoinositide kinases (PIK) inhibitor,T-00127-HEV1 inhibited PI4KB activity with a higher specificity for than other PI kinases.

DC28181 Vapendavir diphosphate

Vapendavir diphosphate (BTA798 diphosphate) is a potent enteroviral capsid binder (CB). Vapendavir diphosphate (BTA798 diphosphate) possesses potent antiviral activity for enterovirus 71 (EV71) replication, with EC50 values of 0.5-1.4 μM in different EV71 strains.

DC44903 cis-Resveratrol Featured

cis-Resveratrol exhibits signifcant antiviral activity. cis-Resveratrol inhibits enteroviruses with IC50s of 12.2 µM and 37.6 µM for coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and enterovirus 71 (EV71), respectively.

DC44904 Golgicide A-2

Golgicide A-2 (GCA-2), a Golgicide A (GCA) derivative, is the most active enantiomer of GCA. Golgicide A-2 displays high selectivity and efficiency in killing An. stephensi larvae and can be used for the research of dengue virus spread.

DC45820 DC07090 dihydrochloride

DC07090 dihydrochloride is a low toxicity, potent, reversible and competitive non-peptidyl human enterovirus 71 3C protease inhibitor with an IC50 and a Ki value for 21.72 μM and 23.29 μM. DC07090 dihydrochloride could also inhibit coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16) replication with an EC50 value of 27.76 μM.

DC47099 (Rac)-Golgicide A

(Rac)-Golgicide A ((Rac)-GCA) is a racemate of Golgicide A. Golgicide A (GCA) is a potent, highly specific, and reversible inhibitor of the cis-Golgi ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factors (ArfGEF) GBF1.Golgicide A drastically reduced replication of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and other human enterovirus species.

DC47663 WIN 54954

WIN 54954 is a broad-spectrum antipicornavirus agent. WIN 54954 is effectiveness against human rhinovirus, echovirus 9 and enterovirus infections.

DC49461 DMA-135 hydrochloride

DMA-135 hydrochloride inhibits enterovirus 71 (EV71) IRES-dependent translation and replication. DMA-135 hydrochloride binds to enterovirus 71 (EV71) SLII domain with moderately high affinity (KD= 520 nM). DMA-135 hydrochloride has no significant toxicity in cell-based studies.

DC49462 EV-A71-IN-1

EV-A71-IN-1 is a human enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) capsid protein inhibitor with an EC50 of 0.27 μM against EV-A71. EV-A71-IN-1 is a capsid binder that blocks the interaction between the viral VP1 and the host receptor hSCARB2. EV-A71-IN-1 inhibits a series of different human enteroviruses without significant cytotoxicity (CC50>56.2 μM).

DC70361 DMA-135 freebase

DMA-135 (DMA135) is a RNA-biased small molecule binds to the EV71 SLII IRES domain (Kd=520 nM), dose-dependently (IC50=7.54 uM) inhibits EV-71 viral translation and replication.DMA-135 inhibits EV71 replication by attenuating IRES-dependent translation at dosages of relatively low cellular toxicity.DMA-135 changes the local and global structure of the EV71 SLII IRES domain.DMA-135 allosterically stabilizes a AUF1 (cellular protein)-SLII-(DMA-135) ternary complex.

DC70362 DMA-135

DMA-135 (DMA135) is a RNA-biased small molecule binds to the EV71 SLII IRES domain (Kd=520 nM), dose-dependently (IC50=7.54 uM) inhibits EV-71 viral translation and replication.DMA-135 inhibits EV71 replication by attenuating IRES-dependent translation at dosages of relatively low cellular toxicity.DMA-135 changes the local and global structure of the EV71 SLII IRES domain.DMA-135 allosterically stabilizes a AUF1 (cellular protein)-SLII-(DMA-135) ternary complex.

DC72966 AG-7404

AG-7404 (AG7404) is a potent, irreversible inhibitor of picornaviral 3C protease, exhibits EC50 values of 80-674 nM against a large panel of programmatically important poliovirus strains.

DC72967 SJW-2C-227

SJW-2C-227 is a broad-spectrum anti-viral compound that target enterovirus 2C potein, inhibits 2C ATPase activity, exhibits anti-viral activity of SJW-2C-227 with an EC50 of 1.7 µM against EVA71 and 0.52 µM against EV-D68.

DC72968 ZHSI-1

ZHSI-1 is a novel inhibitor of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and Coxsackie A16 (CVA16) replication, interacts with 3D and potently inhibits EV71-induced cell death with IC50 of 3.27 uM.

DC72969 ZHSI-1 hydrochloride

ZHSI-1 hydrochloride is a novel inhibitor of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and Coxsackie A16 (CVA16) replication, interacts with 3D and potently inhibits EV71-induced cell death with IC50 of 3.27 uM.

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