Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Others > Amyloids
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11301 ALZ-801 Featured

ALZ-801 is a potent and orally available small-molecule β-amyloid (Aβ) anti-oligomer and aggregation inhibitor, valine-conjugated prodrug of Tramiprosate with substantially improved PK properties and gastrointestinal tolerability compared with the parent compound. ALZ-801 is an advanced and markedly improved candidate for the treatment of alzheimer’s disease.

DC9345 ARN2966(2-PMAP) Featured

ARN2966 is a potent post-transcriptional modulator of APP expression; reduces expression of APP with resultant lower production of Aβ.

DC10506 CPHPC(Miridesap) Featured

CPHPC(GSK2315698,Miridesap) is a divalent crosslinker of SAP that causes rapid depletion of circulating SAP via hepatic clearance.

DC8720 FPS-ZM1 Featured

FPS-ZM1 is a blood-brain-barrier permeant blocker of RAGE V domain-mediated ligand binding (Ki = 25, 148, & 230 nM, respectively.

DC7645 TH-237A Featured

TH-237A(meso-GS 164) is a novel neuroprotective agent exhibiting favorable permeation across the blood brain barrier.

DC10217 TRx0237 (LMTX) mesylate Featured

TRx 0237 (LMTX™) mesylate is a second-generation tau protein aggregation inhibitor for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia.

DC11091 TRX-0237

TRX-0237 Methylate (Hydromethylthionine, Methylene blue) is a Tau aggregation inhibitor (TAI) with Ki of 0.12 uM for intracellular TAI activity.

DC10289 PE859 Featured

PE859 is a potent inhibitor of both tau and Aβ aggregation with IC50 values of 0.66 and 1.2 μM, respectively.

DC28150 Ro 90-7501

Ro 90-7501 is an amyloid β42 (Aβ42) fibril assembly inhibitor that reduces Aβ42-induced cytotoxicity (EC50 of 2 μM). Ro 90-7501 inhibits ATM phosphorylation and DNA repair. RO 90-7501 selectively enhances toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) ligand-induced IFN-β gene expression and antiviral response. Ro 90-7501 also inhibits protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) in a TPR-dependent manner. Ro 90-7501 has significant radiosensitizing effects on cervical cancer cells.

DC41528 β-Amyloid (1-40) (TFA)

β-Amyloid (1-40) TFA is a primary protein in plaques found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.


LPYFD-NH2, a pentapeptide, exerts some inhibitory effect on the aggregation of Aβ(1-42). LPYFD-NH2 can be used for the research of Alzheimer’s disease.


LPYFD-NH2 TFA, a pentapeptide, exerts some inhibitory effect on the aggregation of Aβ(1-42). LPYFD-NH2 TFA can be used for the research of Alzheimer’s disease.

DC41815 Amyloid β-Peptide(1-43)(human)

Amyloid β-Peptide(1-43) human, the Human β-amyloid peptide, is minor component of neuritic plaques found in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

DC41816 Amyloid β-Peptide(1-43)(human) TFA

Amyloid β-Peptide(1-43) human TFA, the Human β-amyloid peptide, is minor component of neuritic plaques found in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

DC41837 β-Amyloid (22-35) (TFA)

β-Amyloid 22-35 (Amyloid β-Protein 22-35) TFA, the residues 22-35 fragment ofβ-amyloid protein, has a cytotoxic effect on cultured neurons from the rat hippocampus in serum-free medium. β-Amyloid 22-35 TFA forms aggregates and typical amyloid fibrils resembling those of the β-amyloid protein in neutral buffer solution).

DC41885 Amyloid β-Peptide (1-37) (human)

Amyloid β-Peptide (1-37) (human) is an amyloid β-protein fragment cleaved from amyloid precursor protein (APP).

DC41886 AC 253

AC 253 is an Amylin (AMY3) receptor antagonist, inhibiting andrenomedulin-stimulated cAMP production. AC 253 protects against oligomeric Aβ-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+, activation of PKA, MAPK, Akt and cFOS and cell death in neuronal cell culture. AC 253 blocks electrophysiological effects of Aβ.

DC42446 TML-6

TML-6 inhibits the synthesis of the β-amyloid precursor protein and β-amyloid (Aβ). TML-6 upregulates Apo E and suppresses NF-κB, mTOR. TML-6 increases the activity of the anti-oxidative Nrf2 gene. TML-6, an orally active curcumin derivative, has the potential for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research.

DC42447 gamma-Secretase Modulators

gamma-Secretase Modulators (Amyloid-β production) is a Amyloid-β production.

DC44520 Ezeprogind

Ezeprogind (AZP-2006) is an orally active neurotrophic inducer. Ezeprogind targets all causes of neurodegeneration and is not only aiming at markers such as Abeta protein or tau protein. Ezeprogind is a potent neuroprotectant and can be used for the research of neurological disorders, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), tauopathies, alzheimer’s and parkinson’s diseases, et al.

DC44521 Ezeprogind disulfate Featured

Ezeprogind (AZP-2006) disulfate is an orally active neurotrophic inducer. Ezeprogind disulfate targets all causes of neurodegeneration and is not only aiming at markers such as Abeta protein or tau protein. Ezeprogind disulfate is a potent neuroprotectant and can be used for the research of neurological disorders, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), tauopathies, alzheimer’s and parkinson’s diseases, et al.

DC44794 β-Amyloid (11-22)

β-Amyloid (11-22) is a peptide fragment of β-Amyloid.

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