Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > nAChR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCJ-030 Galanthamine

>98%,Standard References

DC9516 A-867744

A-867744 is a positive allosteric modulator of α7 nAChRs (IC50 values are 0.98 and 1.12 μM for human and rat α7 receptor ACh-evoked currents respectively, in X.

DC12033 (S)-B-973B Featured

B-973 (B973) is a potent, selective α7 nAChR ago-PAM, denonstrates analgesic effect with attenuating pain behavior and decreasing paw edema in vivo.

DC7987 Encenicline hydrochloride (EVP-6124) Featured

Encenicline hydrochloride (EVP-6124 hydrochloride) is a novel partial agonist of α7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).

DC8303 GTS 21 2HCl(DMXBA) Featured

GTS 21 dihydrochloride is a partial agonist of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs); also a weak α4β2 and 5-HT3 antagonist at micromolar concentrations.

DC11247 Nelonicline Featured

Nelonicline (ABT-126) is a potent, selective α7 nicotinic receptor (nAChR) partial agonist for the treatment of cognitive impairment with schizophrenia..

DC7588 PNU120596 Featured

PNU-120596 is a positive allosteric modulator of α7 nAChR with EC50 of 216 nM.

DC10331 Tebanicline hydrochloride

Tebanicline hydrochloride (ABT594 hydrochloride) is a nAChR modulator with potent, orally effective analgesic activity. It inhibits the binding of cytisine to α4β2 neuronal nAChRs with a Ki of 37 pM.

DC8902 PNU282987 Featured

DC28174 BNC210 Featured

BNC210 (H-Ile-Trp-OH; IW-2143) is a α7 nAChR negative allosteric modulator. BNC210 has potent activity in animal models of anxiety and depression.

DC28187 Asoxime dichloride Featured

Asoxime dichloride (HI-6) is an antagonist to acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) including the nicotinic receptor, α7 nAChR. Asoxime dichloride involves in modulating immunity response. Asoxime dichloride (HI-6) can be used as an antigen and improves vaccination efficacy in the nervous system.

DC28207 SIB-1553A

SIB-1553A is an orally bioavailable nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) agonist, with selectivity for β4 subunit-containing nAChRs. SIB-1553A is also a selective neuronal nAChR ligand. SIB-1553A is a cognitive enhancer, and has therapeutic potential for the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders.

DC28208 3-Bromocytisine

3-Bromocytisine (3-Br-cytisine) is a potent nACh receptors agonist, with IC50s are 0.28, 0.30 and 31.6 nM for hα4β4, hα4β2, and hα7-nACh, respectively. 3-Bromocytisine (3-Br-cytisine) shows different effects on high (HS) and low (LS) ACh sensitivity α4β2 nAChRs with EC50s are 8 and 50 nM, respectively.

DC28471 D-Tubocurarine chloride pentahydrate

D-Tubocurarine chloride pentahydrate is the chloride salt form of Tubocurarine, a nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) antagonist, and can be used as a skeletal muscle relaxant during surgery or mechanical ventilation. D-Tubocurarine chloride pentahydrate is also a potent neuromuscular blocking agent.

DC28701 nAChR agonist 1(DUN71755) Featured

nAChR agonist 1 is a potent, brain-permeable, and orally efficacious positive allosteric modulator of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7 nAChR). nAChR agonist 1 has the EC50 of 0.32 µM in a Ca2+ mobilization assay (PNU-282987-induced, FLIPR based) in human IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells that endogenously express α7 nAChR. nAChR agonist 1 can be develpoped for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

DC29052 Pipecuronium bromide

Pipecuronium bromide is a potent long-acting nondepolarizing steroidal neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA), and a bisquaternary ammonium compound. Pipecuronium bromide is a powerful competitive nAChR antagonist with a Kd of 3.06 μM.

DC29057 Mecamylamine hydrochloride Featured

Mecamylamine hydrochloride is an orally active, nonselective, noncompetitive nAChR antagonist that can treat various neuropsychiatric disorders. Mecamylamine hydrochloride is originally used as a ganglionic blocker in treating hypertension. Mecamylamine hydrochloride can easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

DC40097 Facinicline hydrochloride

Facinicline hydrochloride (RG3487 hydrochloride) is an orally active nicotinic α7 receptor partial agonist, with a Ki of 6 nM for α7 human nAChR. Facinicline hydrochloride (RG3487 hydrochloride) improves cognition and sensorimotor gating in rodents. Facinicline hydrochloride (RG3487 hydrochloride) shows high affinity (antagonist) to 5-HT3Rs with a Ki value of 1.2 nM.

DC40156 PSEM 89S TFA

PSEM 89S TFA is a selective and brain penetrant agonists for the resulting ion channels. PSEM 89S TFA is orthogonally selective for Q79G and L141F, respectively.

DC40851 TC-2559 difumarate

TC-2559 idifumarate is a CNS-selective, orally active α4β2 subtype of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) partial agonist (EC50=0.18 μM). TC-2559 difumarate shows selectivity for α4β2 over α2β4, α4β4 and α3β4 receptors, with EC50s in the range of 10-30 μM. Antinociceptive effect.

DC40861 nAChR agonist CMPI hydrochloride

nAChR agonist CMPI hydrochloride is a potent and selective positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of nAChR containing a α4:α4 subunit interface. nAChR agonist CMPI hydrochloride enhances the response of (α4)3(β2)2 nAChR to ACh (10 μM) with an EC50 of 0.26 μM. nAChR agonist CMPI hydrochloride has potential for the research of nicotine dependence and many neuropsychiatric conditions associated with decreased brain cholinergic activity.

DC40994 5-AAM-2-CP

5-AAM-2-CP is a major metabolite of Acetamiprid. Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide used worldwide and is a nAChR agonist.

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