Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > URAT1
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10029 Verinurad Featured

Verinurad is an urate transporter inhibitor with EC50 value of 0.05 μM.Verinurad is useful in the modulation of blood or serum uric acid levels, reducing serum uric acid levels in a human.

DC47188 Ruzinurad

Ruzinurad is a highly selective URATl inhibitor (WO2020088641, compound I). Ruzinurad can be used in the study of hyperuricemia.

DC49718 KPH2f

KPH2f is a safe, orally active, and effective dual URAT1/GLUT9 inhibitor with IC50s of 0.24 μM and 9.37 μM for URAT1 and GLUT9, respectively. KPH2f shows little effects on OAT1 and ABCG2 (IC50=32.14 and 26.74 μM).

DC71805 Puliginurad

Puliginurad (YL-90148) is a potent urate transporter (URAT) inhibitor. Puliginurad can be used for hyperuricemia and gout research.

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