Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Tyrosine Kinase > c-Kit
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11612 KBP-7018 hydrochloride

A novel potent, multikinase inhibitor with IC50 of 10, 7.6 and 25 nM for c-Kit, RET and PDGFRβ, respectively.

DC11611 KBP-7018

A novel potent, multikinase inhibitor with IC50 of 10, 7.6 and 25 nM for c-Kit, RET and PDGFRβ, respectively.

DC7324 Amuvatinib (MP-470) Featured

Amuvatinib (MP-470) is a potent and multi-targeted inhibitor of c-Kit, PDGFRα and Flt3 with IC50 of 10 nM, 40 nM and 81 nM, respectively.

DC10530 BLU-285 (Avapritinib) Featured

BLU-285 is a potent and selective exon 17 mutant KIT kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.27 nM for KIT D816V.

DC9585 c-Kit-IN-1(DCC-2618) Featured

DCC-2618 is a small molecule inhibitor of c-Kit and PDGFR with IC50s of 6 nM/30 nM/13 nM for c-Kit/PDGFRα/PDGFRβ respectively.

DC10082 ISCK03 Featured

ISCK03 is a cell-permeable inhibitor of SCF-mediated c-kit activation, completely blocking phosphorylation of c-kit in human melanoma cells at a concentration between 1 and 5 µM.

DC7460 Masitinib Featured

Masitinib is a broad coronavirus 3CL inhibitor that effectively blocks replication of SARS-CoV-2. Science 20 Jul 2021: eabg5827 DOI: 10.1126/science.abg5827

DC7219 OSI 930 Featured

OSI-930 is a potent inhibitor of Kit, KDR and CSF-1R with IC50 of 80 nM, 9 nM and 15 nM, respectively; also potent to Flt-1, c-Raf and Lck and low activity against PDGFRα/β, Flt-3 and Abl.

DC10632 Sitravatinib (MGCD516) Featured

Sitravatinib (MGCD516) is a novel small molecule inhibitor targeting multiple RTKs involved in driving sarcoma cell growth, including c-Kit, PDGFRβ, PDGFRα, c-Met, and Axl.

DC28535 c-Kit-IN-3 hydrochloride

c-Kit-IN-3 hydrochloride (Compound 18) is a potent c-KIT kinase inhibitor, which is potent and selective against BaF3-tel-c-KIT (IC50 of 4 nM) and a broad spectrum of drug-resistant mutants (IC50 of 8 nM for BaF3-tel-c-KIT-T670I) with improved bioavailability.

DC28536 c-Kit-IN-3 D-tartrate

c-Kit-IN-3 (D-tartrate) (Compound 18) is a potent c-KIT kinase inhibitor, which is potent and selective against BaF3-tel-c-KIT (IC50 of 4 nM) and a broad spectrum of drug-resistant mutants (IC50 of 8 nM for BaF3-tel-c-KIT-T670I) with improved bioavailability.

DC28537 c-Kit-IN-3 L-tartrate

c-Kit-IN-3 L-tartrate (Compound 18) is a potent and selective c-KIT kinase inhibitor with an IC50s of 4 nM, 8 nM for c-KIT wt and c-KIT T670I, respectively. c-Kit-IN-3 L-tartrate displays great potencies against most of the gain-offunction mutations in the juxtamembrane domain, drugresistant mutations in the ATP binding pocket, and activation loops.

DC28538 c-Kit-IN-3 tartrate

c-Kit-IN-3 tartrate (Compound 18) is a potent c-KIT kinase inhibitor, which is potent and selective against BaF3-tel-c-KIT (IC50 of 4 nM) and a broad spectrum of drug-resistant mutants (IC50 of 8 nM for BaF3-tel-c-KIT-T670I) with improved bioavailability.

DC44837 M4205 Featured

M4205 is a c-KIT inhibitor, with an IC50 of 10 nM for c-KIT V654A. M4205 has high activity on c-KIT mutations in exon 11, 13, 17.

DC48359 Bezuclastinib Featured

Bezuclastinib (PLX 9486; CGT9486) is a potent inhibitor of c-kit and c-kit D816V (0.0001

DC72747 Elenestinib Featured

Elenestinib (BLU-263) is a potent and orally active tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Elenestinib has the potential for the research of systemic mastocytosis (SM).

DC74380 BLU-808

BLU-808 is a potent and selective wt c-KIT inhibitor, potently inhibits c-KIT–dependent phosphorylation and proliferation with IC50 values in the sub-nanomolar and nanomolar range, respectively.

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