Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > CRAC Channel
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9962 YM-58483 Featured

YM-58483 is the first selective and potent inhibitor of CRAC channels and subsequent Ca2+ signals.

DC40200 RO2959 monohydrochloride

RO2959 monohydrochloride is a potent and selective CRAC channel inhibitor with an IC50 of 402 nM. RO2959 monohydrochloride is a potent blocker of store operated calcium entry (SOCE) mediated by Orai1/Stim1 channels with an IC50 of 25 nM. RO2959 monohydrochloride is also a potent inhibitor of human IL-2 production, and potently blocks T cell receptor triggered gene expression and T cell functional pathways.

DC70467 GSK-5498A

GSK-5498A is a potent, selective small molecule blocker of Calcium-Release Activated Calcium (CRAC) channel with IC50 of 1 uM; completely inhibits calcium influx through CRAC channels, inhibits mediator release from mast cells, and pro-inflammatory cytokine release from T-cells from multiple human and rat preparations.

DC71363 piCRAC-1

piCRAC-1 is a potent, photoinducible Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel inhibitor. piCRAC-1 alleviates thrombocytopenia and hemorrhage.

DC71364 5J-4

5J-4 is a potent CRAC inhibitor. 5J-4 decreases the numbers of infiltrated mononuclear cell into the CNS, and significantly decreases the population of infiltrated CD4+ population. 5J-4 reduces the symptoms and delayed the onset of EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis) in mouse model of inflammation.

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