Home > Research Areas > Metabolic Disorder > Obesity
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC8160 ZGN-440(Beloranib)

Beloranib is being studied as a first-in-class obesity therapy that demonstrates a unique mechanism of action through methionine aminopeptidase 2 (MetAP2 ) inhibition.

DC9414 DGAT-1 inhibitor 2

DGAT-1 inhibitor 2 is an effective inhibitor of DGAT-1;antiobesity agents.

DC12255 MLN-4760 Featured

MLN-4760 is a potent and selective human ACE2 inhibitor (IC50, 0.44 nM), with excellent selectivity (>5000-fold) versus related enzymes including human testicular ACE (IC50, >100 μM) and bovine carboxypeptidase A (CPDA; IC50, 27 μM).

DC7109 Otenabant (CP-945598 free base) Featured

Otenabant (CP945598) is a recently discovered selective, high affinity, competitive CB1 receptor antagonist with Ki of 0.7 nM.

DC7495 SB-334867 HCl Featured

SB-334867 is a selective non-peptide orexin OX1 receptor antagonist with a pKb value of 7.2.

DC8419 SB-334867 Featured

SB-334867 is a selective orexin-1 (OX1) receptor antagonist.

DC4158 Tranabant (MK-0364)

Taranabant is a highly selective cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptor inverse agonist.

DC1076 Otenabant(CP945598.HCl) Featured

CP-945598 HCl is a potent and selective cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonist with Ki of 0.7 nM.

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