Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Antibiotics and Antivirals > Filovirus
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10933 Compound 3-110-22

Compound 3-110-22 is a small molecule that inhibits dengue virus (DENV) by binding to its envelope protein E.

DC10934 JBJ-16-111

JBJ-16-111 is a small molecule that inhibits dengue virus (DENV) by binding to its envelope protein E..

DC44908 2'-Deoxy-5'-O-DMT-2'-fluorouridine

2'-Deoxy-5'-O-DMT-2'-fluorouridine, a nucleoside analogue, is a 5’-O-DMTr-5-FUDR derivative with potent anti-yellow fever (YFV) activity.

DC70410 Filovirus inhibitor compd-A

Filovirus inhibitor compd-A is a small molecule filovirus entry inhibitor targeting the endosomal receptor NPC1 binding site, shows potent inhibitory activity against both Ebola and Marburg viruses with IC50 of 0.86 uM against pseudotyped Marburg virus entry.

DC71139 As-358

As-358 has inhibitory effects against Ebola virus and Marburg virus, with IC50s of 47.5 μM and 3.7 μM.

DC72970 Cotransin CT8 Featured

Cotransin CT8 (CT-08) is a substrate-selective co-translational translocation inhibitor, binds the Sec61 translocon to inhibit cotranslational translocation of a subset of secreted and type I transmembrane proteins.

DC72971 Cotransin CT9

Cotransin CT9 (CT-09) is a substrate-selective co-translational translocation inhibitor, binds the Sec61 translocon to inhibit cotranslational translocation of a subset of secreted and type I transmembrane proteins.

DC72972 PS3061

PS3061 (PS 3061) is a substrate-selective co-translational translocation inhibitor, modulates SEC61 translocon and inhibits both DENV and ZIKV virion production and replication.

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