Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > Proton-sensing GPCRs
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC8304 Isoxazole 9(ISX9) Featured

ISX-9 is a small molecule inducer of adult neural stem cell differentiation both in vitro and in vivo.

DC73498 Ogremorphin

Ogremorphin (OGM, OGM8345) is a highly specific, first-in-class small-molecule inhibitor of GPR68 with IC50 of 0.71 uM.

DC73499 Ogremorphin-1

Ogremorphin-1 (OGM1) is a highly specific, first-in-class small-molecule inhibitor of GPR68 with IC50 of 0.16 uM.

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