Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Metabolic Enzyme/Protease > Factor Xa
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC5114 Apixaban (BMS 562247-01) Featured

Apixaban is a highly selective, reversible inhibitor of Factor Xa with Ki of 0.08 nM and 0.17 nM in human and rabbit, respectively.

DC7373 Betrixaban Featured

Betrixaban (PRT-054021) is a highly potent, selective, and orally efficacious factor Xa inhibitor with IC50 of 1.2 nM(inhibition of Factor 10a).

DC8305 Edoxaban Featured

Edoxaban(DU-176) is an oral factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor in clinical development for stroke prevention

DC8793 Edoxaban tosylate monohydrate Featured

Edoxaban(DU-176) is an oral factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor in clinical development for stroke prevention

DC9443 Otamixaban

Otamixaban(FXV673) is a potent (Ki = 0.5 nM), selective, rapid acting, competitive and reversible fXa inhibitor that effectively inhibits both free and prothrombinase-bound fXa.

DC5108 BAY 59-7939 (Rivaroxaban) Featured

Rivaroxaban (Xarelto; BAY 59-7939) is a novel, oral, direct Factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor in late-stage development for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders.

DC11231 Zifaxaban

Zifaxaban is a novel, potent, selective, direct and oral factor Xa inhibitor with IC50 of 11.1 nM (human FXa), displays > 10,000-fold selectivity than other serine proteases.

DC28095 O-Desmethyl apixaban sulfate sodium

O-Desmethyl apixaban sulfate sodium is a major circulating metabolite of Apixaban in humans. O-Desmethyl apixaban sulfate sodium inhibits factor X (FXa) with a Ki of 58 μM.

DC44167 Edoxaban impurity 6

Edoxaban impurity 6 is an impurity of Edoxaban. Edoxaban (DU-176) is a selective, potent and orally active factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor with Kis of 0.561 nM and 2.98 nM for free FXa and prothrombinase, respectively. Edoxaban is an anticoagulant agent and can be used for stroke prevention.

DC44168 Edoxaban impurity 4

Edoxaban impurity 4 is an impurity of Edoxaban. Edoxaban (DU-176) is a selective, potent and orally active factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor with Kis of 0.561 nM and 2.98 nM for free FXa and prothrombinase, respectively. Edoxaban is an anticoagulant agent and can be used for stroke prevention.

DC46132 Milvexian Featured

Milvexian (BMS-986177), an effective antithrombotic agent, is an orally-bioavailable, reversible and direct inhibitor of human and rabbit factor XIa (FXIa) with Ki of 0.11, and 0.38 nM, respectively.

DC47299 Fitusiran

Fitusiran (ALN-AT3SC), an small interfering RNA, specifically targets antithrombin (AT) messenger RNA to lower production of AT in the liver. Fitusiran increases thrombin generation and has the potential for the research of the hemophilia.

DC48213 FXIa-IN-6

FXIa-IN-6 is a potent FXIa inhibitor with selectivity against most of the relevant serine proteases (Ki = 0.3 nM).

DC48214 FXIa-IN-7

FXIa-IN-7 is a selective and orally bioavailable factor XIa inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.4 nM.

DC70220 Asundexian Featured

Asundexian, also known as BAY2433334 and BI1265162, is a blood coagulation factor XIa inhibitor. Asundexian binds directly to the active site of FXIa and thereby inhibits its activity.

DC70931 ZED3197 Featured

ZED3197 (ZED-3197) is a novel peptidomimetic direct-acting, potent and selective inhibitor of human FXIIIa, inhibits human plasma derived FXIII‐A2B2 and the recombinant cellular form (FXIII‐A2) with IC50 of 10 and 14 nM, respectively.ZED3197 strongly blocks FXIII‐A2 from mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, and cynomolgus monkey (IC50 8-30 nM), is a significantly weaker inhibitor of FXIII‐A2 from pig (IC50=220 nM).ZED3197 displays 20‐fold to 3000‐fold selectivity against human transglutaminases TG1, TG2, TG3, and TG7.ZED3197 prolonged clot formation, reduced clot firmness, and facilitated clot lysis in whole human blood without affecting the clotting time, indicating minimal impact on hemostasis.ZED3197 effectively decreased the weight of clots and facilitated flow restoration without prolongation of the bleeding time in vivo.

DC71544 Betrixaban hydrochloride

Betrixaban (PRT054021) hydrochloride is a highly potent, selective, and orally efficacious factor Xa (fXa) inhibitor with an IC50 of 1.5 nM. Betrixaban hydrochloride shows antithrombotic effect.

DC71808 Edoxaban hydrochloride

Edoxaban (DU-176b) hydrochloride is an orally active, highly potent, selective, and direct Factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor with Ki values of 0.561 and 2.98 nM for free human FXa and prothrombinase. Edoxaban hydrochloride exhibits more than 10,000-fold selectivity over other coagulation proteases. Edoxaban hydrochloride can be used for preventing thromboembolic disease research.

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