Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > GPR24 (MCHR1)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC28203 TC-MCH 7c

TC-MCH 7c, a phenylpyridone derivative, is an orally available, selective and brain-penetrable MCH1R antagonist with an IC50 of 5.6 nM for hMCH1R. TC-MCH 7c has Kis of 3.4 nM and 3.0 nM of human and mouse MCH1R, respectively.

DC28204 SNAP 94847 hydrochloride

SNAP 94847 hydrochloride is a novel, high affinity selective melanin-concentrating hormonereceptor1 (MCHR1) antagonist with (Ki= 2.2 nM, Kd=530 pM), it displays >80-fold and >500-fold selectivity over MCHα1A and MCHD2 receptors respectively. SNAP 94847 hydrochloride binds with high affinity to the mouse and rat MCHR1 with minimal cross-reactivity to other GPCR, ion channels, enzymes, and transporters.

DC41655 [Ala17]-MCH

[Ala17]-MCH, a MCH analogue, is a selective ligand for MCHR1 (Ki=0.16 nM) over MCHR2 (Ki=34 nM). [Eu3+ chelate-labeled [Ala17]-MCH shows high affnity for MCHR1 (Kd=0.37 nM) while has little demonstrable binding affnity for MCHR2.

DC41656 [Ala17]-MCH TFA

[Ala17]-MCH TFA, a MCH analogue, is a selective ligand for MCHR1 (Ki=0.16 nM) over MCHR2 (Ki=34 nM). [Eu3+ chelate-labeled [Ala17]-MCH shows high affnity for MCHR1 (Kd=0.37 nM) while has little demonstrable binding affnity for MCHR2.

DC41657 MCH(human, mouse, rat)

MCH (human, mouse, rat) is a potent peptide agonist of MCH-R and exhibits binding IC50 values of 0.3nM and 1.5 nM for MCH1R and MCH2R, respectively. MCH (human, mouse, rat) is a highly sensitive to MCH-2R in a CHO cell line and monitoring mobilization of intracellular calcium with FLIPR, exhibits functional activation EC50 values of 3.9?nM and 0.1nM for human MCH-1R and MCH-2R, respectively.

DC41658 MCH(human, mouse, rat) TFA

MCH (human, mouse, rat) TFA is a potent peptide agonist of MCH-R and exhibits binding IC50 values of 0.3nM and 1.5 nM for MCH1R and MCH2R, respectively. MCH (human, mouse, rat) is a highly sensitive to MCH-2R in a CHO cell line and monitoring mobilization of intracellular calcium with FLIPR, exhibits functional activation EC50 values of 3.9?nM and 0.1nM for human MCH-1R and MCH-2R, respectively.

DC43987 MCHR1 antagonist 2 Featured

MCHR1 antagonist 2 is an antagonist of melanin concentrating hormone receptor 1, with an IC50 of 65 nM; MCHR1 antagonist 2 also inhibits hERG, with an IC50 of 4.0 nM in IMR-32 cells.

DC44915 Ac-hMCH(6–16)-NH2

Ac-hMCH(6-16)-NH2 binds to and activates equally well both human MCH receptors present in the brain (non-selective agonist), with IC50 values of 0.16 nM and 2.7 nM for MCH-1R and MCH-2R.

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