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DC60596 H1L1A1B3 Featured

H1L1A1B3 is an ionizable lipid which demonstrates a fourfold increase in circRNA transfection efficiency in lung cancer cells over ALC-0315. H1L1A1B31 is capable of proactively stimulating innate immune activation upon injection.

DC66357 Sirtuin-1 inhibitor 1 Featured

Sirtuin-1 inhibitor 1 (Compound 8) is an inhibitor of Sirtuin-1 that plays important roles in obesity-induced diabetes and aging-related diseases.

DC66358 Acid Red 4 Featured

Acid Red 4 is an azo dye. The wavelength of maximum absorbance for Acid Red 4 is 508 nm.

DC66359 UCCF-853 Featured

UCCF-853 is a CFTR modulator.

DC66360 CCR-11 Featured

CCR-11 is an antibacterial agent. CCR-11 can inhibit the proliferation of B. subtilis cells with an IC50 value of 1.2 μM. CCR-11 inhibits HeLa cell proliferation with an IC50 value of 18.1 μM. CCR-11 inhibits bacterial cytokinesis by inhibiting FtsZ assembly. CCR-11 can be used for the research of FtsZ-targeted antibacterial agents.

DC66361 mAChR antagonist 1 Featured

mAChR antagonist 1 (compound 4a) is a mAChR antagonist with Ki values of 255 nM, 121 nM, 158 nM, and 255 nM for M1, M3, M4, and M5 subtype, respectively.

DC66362 A3373 Featured

A3373, a novel chemical inhibitor of Phospholipase D1 (PLD1) and PLD2, with IC50 of 325 nM and 15.15?μM, respectively, inhibits LPS-induced immune response and plays important roles in autoimmune arthritis, bone demineralization and osteoclastogenesis.

DC66363 MAO-B-IN-26 Featured

MAO-B-IN-26 (Compound IC9) is a MAO-B and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. MAO-B-IN-26 protects SH?SY5Y cells against Aβ induced cytotoxicity, morphological changes, ROS generation and membrane damage. MAO-B-IN-26 also inhibits Aβ induced autophagy and apoptosis. MAO-B-IN-26 can be used as a neuroprotective agent against Alzheimer’s disease.

DC66364 STING-IN-7 Featured

STING-IN-7 (compound 21) is a potent STING inhibitor with an IC50 of 11.5 nM. STING-IN-7 inhibits the phosphorylation of STING and interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3).

DC66365 PP5-IN-1 Featured

PP5-IN-1 (Compound P053) is a competitive inhibitor of Serine/threonine protein phosphatase-5 (PP5) that binds to its catalytic domain and causes apoptosis in renal cancer.

DC66366 TNKS-2-IN-2 Featured

TNKS-2-IN-2 is a potent and selective inhibitor of TNKS2 with an IC50 of 22 nM.

DC66367 RORγ inverse agonist 1 Featured

RORγ inverse agonist 1 is the inverse agonist of RORγ.

DC66368 sulfo-SPDB-DM4 Featured

sulfo-SPDB-DM4 is a agent-linker conjugate for ADC by using the maytansinebased payload (DM4, an antitubulin agent) via the sulfo-SPDB linker.

DC66369 WAY-232897 Featured

WAY-232897 is an active molecule for the study of amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66370 WAY-639418 Featured

WAY-639418 is an active molecule for the study of amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66371 WAY-312858 Featured

WAY-312858 is an active molecule for the study of amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66372 N-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)picolinamide Featured

N-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)picolinamide is an active molecule.

DC66373 WAY-658674 Featured

WAY-658674 is an active molecule for the study of amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66374 WAY-323756 Featured

WAY-323756 is an active molecule for research into amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66375 WAY-309236 Featured

WAY-309236 is an active molecule for the study of amyloid diseases and synucleinopathies.

DC66376 N-Cyclopropyl-4-iodobenzamide Featured

N-Cyclopropyl-4-iodobenzamide is an active molecule.

DC66377 WAY-620147 Featured

WAY-620147 (compound 6) is an N-(2-morpholinoethyl)nicotinamide derivative that inhibits monoamine oxidase (Monoamine Oxidase). WAY-620147 inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B with IC50s of 26 μM and 55 μM, respectively.

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