Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70139 GSK 2041706

A potent, selective and orally bioavailable GPR119 agonist with EC50 of 4 nM, with good selectivity versus a battery of receptors, ion channels and enzymes; causes greater reductions in cumulative food intake and higher fed plasma GLP-1 and peptide tyrosine tyrosine levels and decreased plasma insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide levels, when combined with metformin, in diet-induced obese mice.

DC70140 GSK 163929

A potent, selective CCR5 antagonist and HIV-1 entry inhibitor with pIC50 of 8.37 and 8.46 in HOS and PBL assays, respectively.

DC70141 GSK 214096

A potent, selective CCR5 antagonist and HIV-1 entry inhibitor.

DC70147 GSK962040

A potent, selective, small molecule motilin receptor agonist with pEC50 of 7.9 (hMTL-R); displays selectivity over closely related human ghrelin acceptor (pEC50< 6.0) and no liabilities at the hERG channel; possesses highly excellent pharmacokinetic profiles in both rat and dog.

DC70148 GSK962040 hydrochloride

A potent, selective, small molecule motilin receptor agonist with pEC50 of 7.9 (hMTL-R); displays selectivity over closely related human ghrelin acceptor (pEC50< 6.0) and no liabilities at the hERG channel; possesses highly excellent pharmacokinetic profiles in both rat and dog.

DC70149 AZ 13381758

A potent, small molecule CXCR2 inhibitor with IC50 of 26 nM and 30 nM for mCXCR2 and hCXCR2, respectively; inhibits the growth and metastatic potential pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, enhances sensitivity to anti-PD1 immunotherapy in vivo; chemical analog of AZD 5069.

DC70151 Pasireotide ditrifluoroacetate

A potent, stable cyclohexapeptide somatostatin mimic that exhibits unique high-affinity binding to human somatostatin receptors (pKi=8.2/9.0/9.1/<7.0/9.9 for sst1/2/3/4/5, respectively); effectively inhibits GHRH-induced growth hormone release in primary cultures of rat pituitary cells with IC50 of 0.4 nM, also potently suppresses GH secretion in rats.

DC70176 AGH-107 Featured

AGH-107 is a potent, selective 5-HT7 receptor agonist with Ki of 6 nM and EC50 of 19 nM, 176-fold selectivity over 5-HT1AR.AGH-107 exhibited high selectivity over related CNS targets, high metabolic stability and low toxicity in HEK-293 and HepG2 cell cultures.

DC70177 AGH-192

AGH-192 is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable 5-HT7 receptor agonist with Ki of 4 nM.AGH-192 displays excellent water solubility, high selectivity over related CNS targets, high metabolic stability, oral bioavailability and low cytotoxicity.AGH-192 could crosses blood-brain barrier to a high extent.AGH-192 alleviates the symptoms of neuropathic pain in a mouse model.


ALESIA is a specific sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 (S1PR3)-G12-biased agonist and selectively induces G12 signal.ALESIA promotes nitric oxide production and oxidative stress.ALESIA selectively induces apoptosis in cancer cells because of low glucose levels.Intraperitoneal administration of ALESIA improved the survival of mice with peritoneally disseminated rhabdomyosarcoma.ALESIA (Anticancer Ligand Enhancing Starvation-induced Apoptosis) is a new anticancer compound for glucose starvation therapy.

DC70190 AMD3451

AMD3451 is a specific, dual CXCR5/CXCR4 antagonist with antiviral activity against a wide variety of HIV-1 and HIV-2 (IC50=1.2 to 26.5 uM) in vitro.AMD3451 has antiviral activity against a wide variety of R5, R5/X4, and X4 strains if HIV-1 and HIV-2 in various T-cell lines, CCR5- or CXCR4-transfected cells, PBMCs, and monocytes/macrophages.AMD3451 inhibited R5, R5/X4, and X4 HIV-1 primary clinical isolates in PBMCs (IC50, 1.8 to 7.3 uM), AMD3451 blocks R5 and X4 HIV-1 infection at the virus entry stage.AMD3451 dose-dependently inhibited the intracellular Ca2+ signaling induced by the CXCR4 ligand CXCL12 in T-lymphocytic cells and in CXCR4-transfected cells, as well as the Ca2+ flux induced by the CCR5 ligands CCL5, CCL3, and CCL4 in CCR5-transfected cells.AMD3451 did not interfere with chemokine-induced Ca2+ signaling through CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, CCR4, CCR6, CCR9, or CXCR3 and did not induce intracellular Ca2+ signaling by itself at 400 uM.AMD3451 inhibited CXCL12- and CCL3L1-induced endocytosis in CXCR4- and CCR5-transfected cells.AMD3451 does not inhibit the binding of CXCR4- or CCR5-specific MAbs.

DC70215 ASP2205

ASP2205 (ASP2205 fumarate) is a potent, selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist with EC50 of 0.85/2.5 nM for human/rat 5-HT2C in the intracellular Ca2+ mobilization assays, respectively.ASP2205 showed partial agonistic action on human 5-HT2A receptor with EC50 of 96 nM, no agonistic action against 5-HT2B.ASP2205 (0.1-1 mg/kg, i.d.) significantly elevated the leak point pressure (LPP) in anesthetized rats in a dose-dependent manner.ASP2205 is a more potent and selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist than lorcaserin.

DC70216 ASP8302 Featured

ASP8302 (ASP 8302) is a potent, selective, positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of muscarinic M3 receptor.Threonine 230 (Thr 230) is the amino acid essential for the PAM effect of ASP8302.

DC70219 AstraZeneca CCR4 antagonist

AstraZeneca CCR4 antagonist is a potent, selective CCR4 antagonist, inhibits CCR4 ligand macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC/CCL22) in CCR4+CD4+ T cells.

DC70257 BL-6020 979

BL-6020/979 (SNT207979) is an orally available, selective, potent MC4R antagonist with IC50 of 19 nM; weakly binds to MC-3 and MC-5 receptors with IC50 of 2.7 uM and 0.89 uM, respectively, >10,000-fold selectivity over MC-1R; demonstrates in animal models and presents a promising candidate suitable for further development towards a first-in-class treatment option for cachexia.

DC70261 BMS-570520

BMS-570520 is a potent, selective CCR3 antagonist with IC50 of 1.9 nM, inhibits eotaxin-induced chemotaxis with IC50 of 0.068 nM.BMS-570520 displays reduced inhibition on CYP2D6 (IC50=1300 nM) compared with DPC168 (IC50=30 nM), also possesses >100-fold selectivity over 5-HT2a, DAT and NET.BMS-570520 showed good activity in murine models of CCR3 antagonism and greater in vitro potency and in vivo in the mouse intranasal eotaxin challenge mode.

DC70263 BMS-846372

BMS-846372 (BMS846372) is a potent, selective, orally active CGRP receptor antagonist with Ki of 0.07 nM (hCGRP).BMS-846372 inhibited CGRP-stimulated cAMP production in SK-N-MC cells with IC50 of 0.22 nM, could completely inhibited CGRP-mediated elevation of cAMP.BMS-846372 showed exposure-dependent inhibition of CGRP-induced increases in marmoset facial blood flow upon subcutaneous (sc) dosing in hαCGRP-induced increases in facial blood flow model.

DC70268 BPR1M97

BPR1M97 is a dual-acting mu-opioid receptor (MOP) and nociceptin-orphanin FQ peptide (NOP) receptor agonist with Ki values of 1.8 and 4.2 nM, respectively.BPR1M97 elicited full agonist properties for all cell-based assays tested in MOP-expressing cells.BPR1M97 acted as a G protein-biased agonist for NOP.BPR1M97 initiated faster antinociceptive effects after subcutaneous injection and elicited better analgesia in cancer-induced pain than morphine.BPR1M97 caused less respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal dysfunction, compared with morphine.

DC70278 BX471 hydrochloride

BX471 is a potent, selective, orally available CCR1 antagonist with Ki of 1 nM for hCCR1, displays 100 times less affinity for rat CCR1; shows 10,000-fold selectivity for CCR1 compared with 28 GPCRs (); displays CCR1 ligands MIP-1α, RANTES, and MCP-3 with high affinity (Ki=1-5.5 nM), inhibits a number of CCR1-mediated effects including Ca(2+) mobilization, increase in extracellular acidification rate, CD11b expression; effectively reduces disease in a rat experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis.

DC70290 CCR2 Covalent-IN-14

CCR2 covalent-IN-14 is a covalent, negative allosteric modulator (NAM) of CCR2, binds to intracellularly pocket of CCR2 with Ki of 4 nM.CCR2 covalent-IN-14 is more potent than non-covalent analogue and wash-resistant in functional assays (IC50=33 nM in GTPγS binding assay on U2OS-CCR2 cell membranes, IC50=4 nM in β-arrestin recruitment assays).CCR2 covalent-IN-14 displays little to no inhibitory potency on CCR1 and CCR5.The affinity of CCR2 covalent-IN-14 for both the C70S and C75S CCR2 mutants is significantly decreased compared to WT CCR2.

DC70291 CCR2 inhibitor SD-24

CCR2 inhibitor SD-24 is a potent selective CCR2 antagonist with pKi of 8.5.

DC70292 CCR4-IN-38 Featured

CCR4-IN-38 (CCR4-351) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable CCR4 antagonist with IC50 of 50 nM (Chemotaxis inhibition).CCR4-IN-38 inhibits the recruitment of Treg into the tumor microenvironment (TME).CCR4-IN-38 elicits antitumor responses as a single agent or in combination with an immune checkpoint blockade.

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