Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70446 GSK1034702

GSK1034702 (GSK-1034702) is a potent, allosteric M1 receptor agonist, inhibits binding of [3H]-NMS (0.5 nM) to M1 mAChR with pKi of 6.5; improves memory encoding potentially by modulating hippocampal function.

DC70450 GSK-1842799

GSK-1842799 is a potent, selective, oral bioavailable S1P1 agonist with bind affinity of 0.52 nM; displays an excellent selectivity (>3,000-fold) for S1P1 over S1P3; significantly reduces blood lymphocyte at 3 mg/kg, achieves efficacy equivalent to FTY720 in the mouse EAE model of MS.

DC70454 GSK-2239633

GSK-2239633 is a potent, selective, allosteric CCR4 antagonist with pIC50 of 7.96; also inhibits TARC-induced increases in the F-actin content of isolated human CD4+ CCR4+ T-cells with pA2 of 7.1.

DC70468 GSK-588045

GSK-588045 is a potent and selective 5-HT1A/B/D receptor antagonist with Ki of 9.5/8.8/9.8, respectively; exhibits high selectivity over human hERG potassium channels, favorable pharmacokinetics, and excellent activity in vivo in rodent pharmacodynamic (PD) models; demonstrates potential as a faster acting antidepressant/anxiolytic with reduced side-effect burden.

DC70472 GSK812397

GSK812397 is a potent, selective, noncompetitive, orally available antagonist of CXCR4 receptor, inhibits entry of X4-tropic strains of HIV-1 with IC50 of 4.60 nM and 1.50 nM in PBMCs and HOS assays, respectively; does not block CCR5-mediated viral entry in the R5 viral HOS assay (IC50>25 uM); produces a concentration-dependent decrease in both an SDF-1-mediated chemotaxis and intracellular calcium release (IC50=0.34 nM and 2.41 nM, respectively) in cell-based functional assays; demonstrates antiviral activity against a broad range of X4-utilizing strains of HIV-1.

DC70482 HF50731

HF50731 (HF-50731) is a novel potent, selective CXCR4 antagonist with Ki of 19.8 nM in the CXCR4 competitive binding assay.HF50731 significantly inhibited SDF-1α-induced calcium mobilization (IC50=621 nM) and cell migration, and blocked HIV-1 infection via antagonizing CXCR4 coreceptor function (IC50=1.5 uM).The structure-activity relationship analysis demonstrated that HF50731 could primarily occupy the minor subpocket of CXCR4 and partially bind in the major subpocket by interacting with residues W94, D97, D171, and E288.

DC70489 HL-43

HL-43 (EP4 antagonist HL-43) is a selective prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4) antagonist, promotes chondrocyte differentiation/cartilage regeneration and anabolism with low toxicity; HL-43 exhibits the highest potency in inducing Col2a1 expression and reducing Mmp3 expression in presence of IL-1β. HL-43 downregulats Mmp3/13 expression in a dose-dependent manner. HL-43 induces anabolic factors (ACAN and SOX9), and suppresses catabolic factor (MMP13), and hypertrophic marker (COLX), inhibits the STAT3 catabolic pathway;. HL-43 promotes chondrocyte differentiation and ECM generation, and inhibits matrix degradation in both human and mouse articular cartilage explants. HL-43 enhances cartilage repair and regeneration in different artilage defect (CD) animal models.

DC70501 I-287

I-287 is a potent, selective, orally active inhibitor of PAR2, negative PAR2 allosteric modulator, inhibits PAR2-mediated activation of Gq and G12/13 but not Gi/o proteins (IC50=45-390 nM); I-287 is a negative allosteric modulator (NAM) and not an orthosteric competitive antagonist of hPAR2. I-287 inhibits PAR2-mediated activation of DAG/Ca2+/PKC and RhoA/SRF-RE, as well as FAK and ERK1/2 signaling pathways, shows no effect on PAR2-mediated recruitment of βarrestin2 and receptor internalization. I-287 inhibits PAR2-induced secretion of IL-8 cytokine in vitro and reduces Freund's adjuvant (CFA)-induced paw edema model in mice.

DC70511 Inupadenant

Inupadenant (EOS-850, EOS100850) is a non brain-penetrant, potent and highly selective small molecule antagonist of adenosine A2a receptor (A2AR), shows activity at the high adenosine concentrations found in tumors.

DC70517 IS811

IS811 is a potent, selective CCR3 antagonist with IC50 of 2.0 nM, potently inhibits chemotaxis with EC50 of 19 nM.IS811 displays >100-fold selectivity over 5-HT2a, DAT and NET.IS811 (0-20 mg/kg) dose-dependently inhibited eotaxin-induced eosinophil influx to the lung in vivo.

DC70536 KARI 201

KARI 201 (KARI-201) is a dual-action small molecule that exhibit highly selective inhibition effects on Acid sphingomyelinase (ASM), and act as a ghrelin receptor agonist.KARI 201 is a competitive inhibitor that binds to the active site of ASM.Incorporation of KARI 201 into ASM was decreased with increasing concentrations of sphingomyelin, yielding KM values of 332.5, 433.9, and 572.6 μM at 1, 10, and 100 μM KARI 201, respectively.Administration of KARI 201 reduces amyloid pathology and restores cognitive impairment in APP/PS1 mice.KARI 201 ameliorates defective autophagy degradation by regulating lysosomal biogenesis in neurons.KARI 201 is a ghrelin receptor agonist and improves hippocampal neurogenesis and synapse plasticity.

DC70559 Lazucirnon

Lazucirnon (KST4290, ALK4290) is a small molecule, orally active inhibitor against CCR3, the natural receptor for chemokine eotaxin, decreases inflammatory cytokines in preclinical models.Lazucirnon (KST4290, ALK4290) blocks eotaxin from binding to its G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) CCR3.CCR3 plays an important modulatory role in inflammation, immune cell recruitment, and neovascularization, processes important for the pathogenesis of wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD) and other neurological and immunological diseases.

DC70573 LSN3172176

LSN3172176 is a novel potent, selectiive M1 mAChR partial agonist (EC50 2.4-7.0nM, Emax 43%-73%), shows binding selectivity for M1 mAChRs (Kd=1.5 nM); LSN3172176 is a potential PET tracer for assessment of M1 mAChR target engagement in the clinic and to further elucidate the function of M1 mAChRs in health and disease.

DC70577 LY3502970 (Orforglipron) Featured

LY-3502970 (Orforglipron) is a potent, selective, orally active non-peptide agonist of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor.LY3502970 is a partial agonist, biased toward G protein activation over β-arrestin recruitment at the GLP-1R.

DC70601 MK-8666

MK-8666 is a selective partial GPR40 agonist developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

DC70602 ML339 Featured

ML 339 is a potent and selective hCXCR6 antagonist (IC50 = 140 nM), 100-fold less active at the murine CXCR6 receptor (IC50 = 18 uM); ML 339 exhibits selectivity over CXCR5, CXCR4, CCR6 and APJ receptors.

DC70606 ML381 fumarate

ML381 (VU0488130) is a highly mAChR subtype selective M5 orthosteric antagonist with IC50/Ki of 450/340 nM for hM5, has no inhibitory activity on hM1-4 (IC50>30 uM); exhibits good DMPK properties and CNS penetration (B:P ratio of 0.58) to support both in vitro and in vivo studies.

DC70634 N8279 Featured

N8279 (NCATS-SM8864) is a selective, brain-penetrant small molecule Gαq-biased GHSR1a agonist with binding IC50 of 1.3 uM.N8279 is nearly an order of magnitude (8.9-fold) more potent than the endogenous ligand ghrelin and is a full agonist.iCa2+ EC50 of N8279 is 41-fold more potent than its GHSR1a binding IC50, suggesting possible allosteric activity, which could be competitively inhibited by GHSR1a antagonists YIL781 and JMV2959.N8279 is a weak activator of GHSR1a-mediated, βarr2-dependent cellular responses relative to ghrelin.N8279 requires receptor sites and/or conformational states driven by the GHSR1a ECD that are distinct from ghrelin.N8279 is brain-penetrant and attenuates aberrant DAergic behavior in mice.

DC70655 NLX-204 Featured

NLX-204 is a potent and selective ERK1/2 phosphorylation-preferring serotonin 5 HT1A receptor agonist with pKi = 10.19. NLX-204 displayed high selectivity in the SafetyScreen44 panel (including hERG channel), high solubility, metabolic stability, and Caco-2 penetration and did not block CYP3A4, CYP2D6 isoenzymes, or P-glycoprotein. Preliminary in vivo studies confirmed its promising pharmacokinetic profile. NLX-204 also robustly stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation in rat cortex and showed highly potent (MED = 0.16 mg/kg) and efficacious antidepressant-like activity, totally eliminating immobility in the rat Porsolt test.

DC70671 ONO-8055

ONO-8055 is a highly selective and potent EP2/EP3 dual agonist with EC50 of 0.67/0.7 nM, shows >450-fold selectivity over EP4 receptors (EC50=339 nM); improves the lower urinary tract dysfunctions of neurogenic UAB in a rat lumber spinal canal stenosis model with twice-daily (bid) oral dosing of 0.01 mg/kg, demonstrates much higher in vivo efficacy than the currently used drug for UAB.

DC70676 OX2R agonist 1

OX2R agonist 1 is a potent, selective, small-molecule agonist of orexin receptor 2 (OX2R) with pEC50 of 8.28, >300-fold selectivity over OX1R.

DC70677 PAR2 antagonist C391

PAR2 antagonist C391 (C391) is a selective PAR2 antagonist, potently inhibits peptidomimetic-induced PAR2 Ca2+ signalling with IC50 of 1.3 uM.C391 blocks both PAR2 Ca2+ and MAPK signalling pathways activated by peptidomimetics and/or proteinase activation.C391 effectively attenuated compound 48/80-induced thermal hyperalgesia in vivo.C391 blocked A. alternata-induced, PAR2-dependent Ca2+ and MAPK signalling in 16HBE14o- cells, as well as β-arrestin recruitment in HEK 293 cells.C391 effectively attenuated A. alternata-induced inflammation, mucus production, mucus cell hyperplasia and airway hyperresponsiveness in acute allergen-challenged murine models.

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