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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC2245 Gi-129471

Metalloproteinase inhibitor, specifically blocking TNF-alpha secretion both in vitro and in vivo

DCC2246 Gi261520a

Potent EGFR/erbB2 dual inhibitor

DCC2247 Gic-1001

Novel oral anti-nociceptive agent, showing peripheral opioid agonistic activity and hydrogen sulphide-releasing capacity

DCC2248 Gidazepam

Potent mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptors (MBRs) ligand; Prodrug for its active metabolite bromo-nordazepam

DCC2249 Gif-0854-r

Novel suppressor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress, preventing protein aggregate accumulation in vitro and in cultured hippocampal HT22 neuronal cells, as well as glutamate-induced oxytosis and erastin-induced ferroptosis

DCC2250 Gif-0856-r

Novel suppressor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress, preventing protein aggregate accumulation in vitro and in cultured hippocampal HT22 neuronal cells, as well as glutamate-induced oxytosis and erastin-induced ferroptosis

DCC2251 Gilteritinib Fumarate Featured

Gilteritinib (ASP2215) hemifumarate is a potent and ATP-competitive FLT3/AXL inhibitor with IC50 of 0.29 nM/0.73 nM, respectively.

DCC2252 Ginkgonitroside

Natural suppressor of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation

DCC2253 Ginnalin A

Natural Activator of the Nrf2-Regulated Antioxidant Defense System in SH-SY5Y Cells, Binding to the Subpockets of Keap1 Kelch Domain

DCC2254 Gk-136901

First-in-Class, Potent, and Orally Bioavailable NADPH Oxidase Isoform 4 (Nox4) Inhibitor

DCC2255 Gk-667

Novel water solubile prodrug of ICRF-193, penetrating into NVCMs, reaching intracellular concentrations sufficient to induce cytoprotective effects against ANT toxicity

DCC2256 Gka-22

Novel Allosteric Activator of Human Glucokinase in the Absence of Glucose

DCC2257 Gka-71

Novel and potent glucokinase activator (GKA)

DCC2258 Gkm001

First-in-class liver-selective glucokinase activator for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

DCC2259 glaziovianin A

Novel inhibitor of the cell cycle progression in M-phase; Inhibotor of endosome maturation

DCC2260 Glenvastatin

Novel 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor

DCC2261 Glft2-in-31

Novel Galactofuranosyltransferase 2 (GlfT2) inhibitor

DCC2262 Glipentide

Second-generation sulfonylurea, promoting the accumulation of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in hepatocytes

DCC2263 Glmu-in-5175178

Novel inhibitor of the acetyltransferase activity of Escherichia coli N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate-uridyltransferase/glucosamine-1-phosphate-acetyltransferase (GlmU).

DCC2264 Glo1-in-60

Novel potent Glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) inhibitor, demonstrating to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, elevating levels of methylglyoxal in the brain, and reducing depression-like behavior in mice

DCC2265 Glo1-in-9

Novel inhibitor of glyoxalase 1 (Glo1), increasing the cellular methylglyoxal levels in human cells and suppressing the osteoclast formation of mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages

DCC2266 Glp-2 (1-33) Acetate

Enteroendocrine hormone, stimulating the growth of intestinal epithelium

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