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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC4704 Sgi-10067

PKM2 activator, potently inhibiting proliferation of cancer cells in media lacking serine

DCC4705 Sgi-9380

PKM2 activator, potently inhibiting proliferation of cancer cells in media lacking serine

DCC4706 Sgk1 Inhibitor 17a

Novel highly selective SGK1 inhibitor with a highly optimized profile suitable for oral dosing as a potentially disease-modifying agent for osteoarthritis

DCC4707 Sglt1/2-in-8

Novel Potent SGLT1/2 Dual Inhibitor

DCC4708 Sgx393

Novel inhibitor of the CML mutant Bcr-AblT315I, preempting in vitro resistance when combined with nilotinib or dasatinib.

DCC4709 Sh-053-r-ch3-2’f

Selective agonist of GABA A receptors α5 subunit

DCC4710 Sh-053-s-ch3-2'f

Potent and selective agonist of GABAA receptors α5 subunit

DCC4711 Sh-11037

Novel potent sEH inhibitor, effectively blocking key angiogenic properties of human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs), inhibiting choroidal sprouting and significantly suppressing CNV lesion volume

DCC4712 Sh-11052

Novel inhibitor of endothelial cell growth

DCC4713 Sh-2251

Novel selective inhibitor of the generation of IL-5-producing Th2 cells and induction of active histone modifications at the IL5 gene locus during Th2 cell differentiation

DCC4714 Sha 14-1

Stable and ROS-free antagonist against anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, bypassing drug resistances and synergizing cancer therapies in human leukemia cell

DCC4715 She-196

First in Class Hypoglycemic Agent with Extra-Strong Action, increasing insulin sensitivity, improving glucose tolerance, reducing fasted insulin level and insulin sensitivity, decreasing total body and interscapular fat mass and also increasing the activi

DCC4716 Sherpa Bmi-135

Novel Selective Human ER Partial Agonist (ShERPA)

DCC4717 Sheta2

Selective inhibitor of cancer cell growth, exerting chemoprevention activity without evidence of toxicity

DCC4718 Sh-i-14

Novel Inhibitor of Phospho-STAT3 Through Induction of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PTPN6

DCC4719 Shield-2

Novel potent stabilizing ligand for FKBP-derived destabilizing domains

DCC4720 Ship-2a

Cystathione gamma lyase (CSE) inhibitor, inhibiting H2S production and L-cysteine-induced relaxation of rat aortic rings ex vivo

DCC4721 Showdomycin

Antineoplastic antibiotic

DCC4722 Shp2 Inhibitor C21

Inhibitor of shp2 protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)

DCC4723 Shr0687

Highly Potent and Peripheral Nervous System-Restricted KOR Agonist

DCC4724 Sibopirdine

Novel cognitive enhancer; Nootropic agent

DCC4725 Sid-24784551

Novel direct HIV-1 Nef antagonist with antiretroviral activity

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