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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC74030 IOI-42

hPEBP4 inhibitor IOI-42 is a small molecule inhibitor of anti-apoptotic protein hPEBP4, potentiates TNF-α-mediated growth inhibition of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

DC74031 IPA

IPA (Inhibitor of Priming Activity) is a small-molecule compound that binds Sec18 (Kd=3.84 uM) and blocks SNARE activation, inhibits vacuole fusion at the SNARE priming stage with IC50 of 50 uM.

DC74032 IP-DNQ

IP-DNQ (Isopentyl-deoxynboquinone) is a small molecule that selectively kills pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells in an NQO1-dependent manner.

DC74033 Ipfencarbazone

Ipfencarbazone is a substance being developed for the control of weeds such as watergrass in rice, herbicide agent.


IPHBA is a small-molecule inhibitor that suppresses EPAS1-driven IL-31 induction, selectively inhibits TCR-mediated IL-31 induction in murine CD4+ T cells with IC50 of 10.6 uM.

DC74035 Ironomycin

Ironomycin (Ironomycin AM5) is a lysosomal iron-targeting small molecule that reduces the mitochondrial iron load, resulting in the potent disruption of mitochondrial metabolism.

DC74036 iSB09

iSB09 is a potent, selective small moelcule abscisic acid (ABA) receptor agonist with HAB1 IC50 value of 316 nM (combined with the engineered CsPYL1 ABA receptor CsPYL15m).

DC74037 JA310

JA310 is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of the mammalian sterile 20-like serine/threonine (MST) family member MST3 (STK24) with ITC KD value of 115 nM.

DC74038 JBSNF-000028

JBSNF-000028 (JBSNF000028) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable substrate-analog inhibitor of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) with IC50 of 34 nM, 190 and 210 nM against human, monkey and mouse NNMT, respectively.

DC74039 JNJ 74856665

JNJ74856665 (JNJ74856665) is an orally available, potent and selective DHODH inhibitor with IC50 values in the subnanomolar range.

DC74040 JNJ-54302833

JNJ-54302833 (JNJ 54302833) is a potent, selective fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor with IC50 of 28 nM.

DC74041 JSD26

JSD26 is a selective S-nitroso-coenzyme A reductase 2 (SCoR2; AKR1A1) inhibitor with Ki of 93 nM, 10-fold selectivity over AKR1B1.

DC74042 JumOCA peptide

JumOCA peptide (VKELLRRKRGH) is a peptide corresponding to the OCA-B N terminus, membrane-penetrating OCA-B peptide inhibitor.

DC74043 JumOCA peptide Tat

JumOCA peptide Tat is a a peptide corresponding to the OCA-B N terminus, as C-terminal fusions to the HIV trans-activator of transcription (Tat) protein for membrane permeability.

DC74044 JYFY-001

JYFY-001 is a small molecule copper chelator with moderate selectivity for targeting copper, potently inhibits cancer proliferation.

DC74045 JYQ-88

JYQ-88 is a potent, selective and covalent PARK7 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.13 uM in DiFMUAc assays, 100-fold selectivity over UCHL1 (PARK5, IC50=11.1 uM), covalently modifies the active site Cys106.

DC74046 K786-4469

K786-4469 is a small molecule inhibitor of anoctamin 1 (ANO1), suppresses cancer metastasis in vitro and in vivo.

DC74047 Kakeimide Featured

Kakeimide is a potent GH3 inhibitor that selectively targets IAA-conjugating GH3 proteins at subnanomolar concentrations in vitro, shows auxin-like activity by inhibiting endogenous IAA catabolism.

DC74048 Karyostatin 1A

Karyostatin 1AKaryostatin 1A is a small molecule inhibitor of importin beta with binding affinity (Kd=0.3 uM), selectively inhibits the importin α/β pathway.

DC74049 KBP-066

KBP-066 is a potent, selective dual amylin and calcitonin receptor agonist induces an equally potent body weight loss across a broad dose range in obese rats.

DC74050 KIO-100

KIO-100 (PP-001) is a novel potent, specific small molecule inhibitor of DHODH with IC50 of <4 nM, 150-fold higher potency than leflunomide (IC50 of 650 nM).

DC74051 KL101

KL101 (KL 101) is a isoform-selective small molecule stabilizer of Cryptochrome 1 (CRY1).

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