Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Others
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC4845 soraphinol A

Human norepinephrine transporter blocker

DCC4846 sori-20041

DAT modulator, being unique in affecting substrate uptake without impacting efflux

DCC4847 sori-9804

Novel partial inhibitor of amphetamine-induced dopamine release

DCC4848 Sortin3 Maleate

Sorting inhibitor, blocking Vps16 function, one protein in the class C tethering complex, and increasing aflatoxin synthesis and export

DCC4849 Spam (signal Peptide-based Affinity Maturated Ligand)

Novel Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) Binding Peptide (a Peptide Ligand for PD-L1)

DCC4850 spb03924

Novel telomerase inhibitor

DCC4851 SPB08007


DCC4852 Spd-2-am

Novel photo-controllable hydrogen sulfide donor applicable in live cells

DCC4853 Spectinamide-1599

Novel anti-tuberculosis agent against intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis

DCC4854 Spectinomycin Dihydrochloride

Antibiotic, binding to the bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit, interfering with the initiation of protein synthesis and with proper protein elongation and leading to bacterial cell death

DCC4855 Spi-1865

Novel gamma-secretase modulator

DCC4856 Spirohydantoin-21

Novel selective orally bioavailable inhibitor of p300/CBP histone acetyltransferase

DCC4857 Spirooxindole 1a

Novel p53 Stabilizer for Brain Cell Differentiation

DCC4858 Spiroxamine

Sterol Biosynthesis Inhibitor, Fungicide

DCC4859 Spla2 Inhibitor Pyr-1

Novel potent sPLA2 inhibitor, selectively targeting hGIIA and hGIID

DCC4860 Spmtrien

Novel isosteric charge-deficient spermine analogue

DCC4861 spongiacidin C

USP7 inhibitor from the marine sponge Stylissa massa

DCC4862 Spongosine

Pivotal intercellular signal transmitter

DCC4863 Spop-in-6lc

Novel SPOP inhibitor, suppressing the viability and inhibiting the colony formation of ccRCC cell lines driven by cytoplasmic SPOP

DCC4864 Spt-in-1

Novel potent serine palmitoyl transferase (SPT) inhibitor

DCC4865 Sptssb-binder-18

Novel potent and selective binder of small subunit B of the serine palmitoyltransferase complex (SPTSSB)

DCC4866 Spu-106

Novel specific PAK4 inhibitor, effectively inhibiting the invasion of SGC7901 cells without cytotoxicity, regulating the PAK4/LIMK1/cofilin and PAK4/SCG10 signaling pathways

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