Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Apoptosis
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73106 Sonrotoclax

Sonrotoclax (BGB-11417) is a potent, selective and second-generation BCL2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.014 nM and SPR KD value of 0.046 nM, overcomes BCL2 G101V mutation-induced venetoclax resistance.

DC73107 WK369

WK369 (WK-369) is a specific small molecule inhibitor of BCL6, directly binds to the BCL6-BTB domain (SPR KD=2.24 uM) and blocks the interaction between BCL6 and SMRT with IC50 of 0.32 uM in HTRF assays.

DC73108 WK499

WK499 (WK-499) is a small molecule inhibitor of BCL6 with IC50 of 11.7 nM in HTRF assay, directly binds to BCL6 BTB (SPR KD=148 nM), inhibits the BCL6-mediated transcriptional repression activity.

DC73109 WK500B

WK500B is an orally available small molecule BCL6 inhibitor with IC50 of 1.39 uM (HTFR), exhibits potent efficacy against DLBCL in vitro and in vivo.

DC73110 AKI-02

AKI-02 is a hydroxypyridinone-based iron chelator, potently inhibits labile iron-mediated ferroptosis.

DC73111 FSEN1

FSEN1 (Ferroptosis Sensitizer 1) is a specific small molecule, uncompetitive inhibitor of ferroptosis suppressor protein 1 (FSP1) with IC50 of 133 nM, sensitizes cancer cells to ferroptosis.

DC73112 LOC1886

LOC1886 is a small molecule allosteric inhibitor of GPX4, inhibits enzymatic activity of GPX4 in HT1080 cell lysates with Ki of 102 uM, degrades GPX4 to induce ferroptosis, binds covalently to C66 of GPX4.

DC73113 142D6

142D6 is a potent, Lys-covalent pan-IAP inhibitor, targets the BIR3 domain of the inhibitor of the apoptosis protein (IAP) family with IC50 of 43/21/21 nM for XIAP/cIAP1/cIAP2, respectively.

DC73114 ARTS mimetic A4

ARTS mimetic A4 is a small molecule that mimics the function of the pro-apoptotic ARTS (Sept4_i2) protein, binds the ARTS pocket in XIAP-BIR3, but not cIAP1, specifically promotes degradation of XIAP and induces caspase-mediated cell death.

DC73115 DEBIO 1143

DEBIO 1143 (Xevinapant, AT-406, SM406, ARRY-334543, D1143) is a potent, orally active Smac mimetic that antagonizes cIAP1, cIAP2 and XIAP with Ki of 66.4, 1.9 and 5.1 nM, respectively.

DC73116 RMT 5265

RMT 5265 (RMT5265) is a potent, small molecule bivalent mimic of Smac, inhibits XIAP and cIAP1/2 through the BIR3 domain.

DC73117 BAY 1892005 Featured

BAY 1892005 is a small molecule that modulate mutant p53 condensation and nuclear accumulation, binds covalently to mutant p53R175H and p53Y220C and shows stabilization of p53WT and p53Y220C, exhibits anti-proliferative activity in a set of cell lines wit

DC73118 BAY 249716

BAY 249716 is a small molecule that modulate mutant p53 condensation, showed significant stabilization of all three p53 protein variants, p53WT p53R175H and p53Y220C.

DC73119 GY1-22

GY1-22 is a small molecule inhibitor against DNAJA1-mutP53R175H interacting pocket, reduces mutp53 protein expression in colon cancer cell line with p53R175H mutation.

DC73120 J012-3168

RPL11-MDM2 inhibitor S9 (J012-3168) is a small-molecule RPL11 mimetic and potential inhibitor of RPL11-MDM2 interaction, directly binds MDM2 and induces p53 stabilization and activation.

DC73121 K-181

K-181 is a specific small-molecule Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) inhibitor of Mdmx-p53 interaction, exhibits neuroprotective effects on ischemic stroke by disrupting Mdmx-p53 interaction and inhibiting HDAC6 activity.

DC73122 MMRi67

MMRi67 is a potent E3 ligase inhibitor of the MDM2-MDM4 E3 complex, inhibits RING-RING interaction of MDM4 and MDM2B with Kd of 896 nM.

DC73123 MMRi71

MMRi71 is a small molecule inhibitor of the E3 ligase activity of MDM2-MDM4, and an inducer of MDM4 and FTH1 dual protein degradation and p53-independent apoptosis in leukemia cells.

DC73124 Morncide

Morncide (Morn3 (222-237)) is a cell-penetrating, 16-AA Morn3-targeting peptide that disrupts the interaction between p53 and Morn3-mediated complex, Morncide peptide stabilizes and reactivates p53 in cancer cells.

DC73125 NSC146109

NSC146109 (XI-011) is a small-molecule p53 activator, induces apoptosis of breast cancer cells through inhibiting MDMX (MDM4) expression.

DC73126 ReACp53

ReACp53 is a cell-penetrating 17-residue peptide designed to inhibit p53 amyloid formation, rescues p53 function in cancer cell lines.

DC73127 UC2288

UC2288 is a small molecule p21 inhibitor, attenuates p21 protein abundance at 10 µM, independently of p53 activity and at the level of transcription or post-transcription.

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