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DC66120 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-mPEG Featured

The diselenide bond is an important chemical bond formed by two selenium atoms sharing a pair of electrons. Because the electronegativity of selenium atom is low, the bond energy of diselenide bond is low, so it has the characteristics of strong reactivity and easy to break. In polymer materials, the dynamic chemical properties of diselenide bond make it have a wide application prospect. The dynamic chemical properties of diselenide bond are mainly manifested in its easy fracture and formation. In polymer materials, diselenide bond fracture can be achieved by external stimuli (such as light, heat, electricity, etc.) or chemical reactions. For example, through the action of photosensitizer initiator, polymer materials containing diselenide bonds can be broken under ultraviolet irradiation, so as to achieve controlled degradation of materials. In addition to breaking, diselenide bonds can also form new bonds. In polymer materials, diselenide bonds can form new bonds by free radical reaction or nucleophilic substitution reaction. For example, through free radical reactions, polymer materials containing diselenide bonds can be reacted with other free radical reactants to form new bonds and achieve cross-linking or modification of materials. In addition, diselenide bonds can also form new bonds through nucleophilic substitution reactions, such as in the presence of nucleophilic reagents, diselenide bonds can be replaced, so as to achieve the functionalization or modification of materials.

DC66121 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-NHS Featured

DC66122 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-MAL Featured

DC66123 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-NH2 Featured

DC66124 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-SH Featured

DC66125 DSPE-SE-SE-PEG-COOH Featured

DC66126 DSPE-SS-PEG-N3 Featured

Phospholipids are commonly used polymeric gene carriers. DSPE with high molecular weight can effectively compound DNA, and has strong buffered capacity under endosomal pH conditions, showing good transfection efficiency for a variety of cells. However,DAPE is not easily degraded, and high molecular weight DAPE as a gene carrier may lead to short - or long-term cytotoxicity.

DC66127 DSPE-SS-PEG-Galactose Featured

DC66128 DSPE-SS-PEG-Mannose Featured

Phospholipids are commonly used polymeric gene carriers. DSPE with high molecular weight can effectively compound DNA, and has strong buffered capacity under endosomal pH conditions, showing good transfection efficiency for a variety of cells. However,DAPE is not easily degraded, and high molecular weight DAPE as a gene carrier may lead to short - or long-term cytotoxicity.

DC60589 ABBV-CLS-484 (AC-484) Featured

ABBV-CLS-484 (AC-484) is a novel PTPN2/N1 inhibitor with IC50 of 2.2 nM. AC-484 improves oral bioavailability across different species.

DC66129 Hynic-toc Featured

DC66130 Oclacitinib maleate Featured

Oclacitinib, also known as PF03394197, is a novel Janus kinase inhibitor with activity against cytokines involved in allergy. Oclacitinib inhibited JAK family members by 50% at concentrations (IC50 's) ranging from 10 to 99 nM and did not inhibit a panel of 38 non-JAK kinases (IC50 's > 1000 nm). Oclacitinib was most potent at inhibiting JAK1 (IC50 = 10 nm). Oclacitinib also inhibited the function of JAK1-dependent cytokines involved in allergy and inflammation (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-13) as well as pruritus (IL-31) at IC50 's ranging from 36 to 249 nM.

DC66131 DSPE-SS-PEG-CY3 Featured

DC66132 DSPE-SS-PEG-CY7 Featured

DC66133 DSPE-SS-PEG-CY5.5 Featured

DC66134 DSPE-SS-PEG-CY5 Featured

DC66135 DSPE-SS-PEG-Silane Featured

DC66136 DSPE-SS-PEG-CHO Featured

DC66137 DSPE-SS-PEG-OPSS Featured

DC66138 DSPE-SS-PEG-RB Featured

DC66139 DSPE-SS-PEG-Biotin Featured

DC66140 DSPE-SS-PEG-FA Featured

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