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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC60609 AK59-51TB (AK59) Featured

AK59-51TB (AK59) is a STING degrader leveraging HERC4, a HECT-domain E3 ligase.

DC60610 IDE397 Featured

IDE397 is a potent inhibitor of MAT2A, which is developed to selectively exploit this synthetic lethal vulnerability in MTAP−/− tumors.

DC60611 Compound 32 (HER2) Featured

Compound 32 (HER2) is a potent and selective covalent inhibitor of HER2/WT and HER2/YVMA with IC50 of 49 nM and 42 nM, respectively.

DC60612 IDOR-1117-2520 Featured

IDOR-1117-2520 is a selective and insurmountable antagonist of CCR6 with IC50 of 20 nM.

DC66543 Pidobenzone Featured

Pidobenzone is a dermatologic agent.

DC66544 Pseudouridine 5'-triphosphate trisodium Featured

Pseudouridine-5’-triphosphate (Pseudo-UTP) is one of the most commonly used modified nucleoside for the polymerase-mediated synthesis of RNA molecules. Compared with uridine-containing unmodified mRNAs, the application of pseudouridine-containing modified mRNAs exhibits better nuclease stability, immunogenicity, and translational properties.

DC66545 5-Bromo Brassinin Featured

DC60613 LSN3441732 Featured

LSN3441732 is a dimeric compound and inhibits the formation of Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) particles in vitro with IC50 of 0.18 nM.

DC66546 R-Sirpiglenastat Featured

R-Sirpiglenastat is the R- isomer of Sirpiglenastat(DRP-104).Sirpiglenastat (DRP104) is a broad acting glutamine antagonist. Sirpiglenastat has anticancer effects by directly targeting tumor metabolism and simultaneously inducing a potent antitumor immune response.

DC66547 SL25 intermediate 16 Featured

DC60614 BIO-8169 Featured

BIO-8169 is a highly potent, selective, and brain-penetrant IRAK4 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.2 nM. BIO-8169 has an excellent PK profile, reduces the in vivo production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and is tolerated in toxicity studies in rodents and dogs.

DC60615 Nelutroctiv (CK-136) Featured

Nelutroctiv (CK-136) is a novel cardiac troponin activator devoid of PDE-3 activity that demonstrates a wider pharmacodynamic window in vivo relative to a representative myosin activator, CK-138.

DC60616 TERT activator compound tac Featured

TAC is a TERT activator compound that upregulates TERT transcription via the MEK/ERK/AP-1 cascade. TAC alleviates neuroinflammation, increases neurotrophic factors, stimulates adult neurogenesis, and preserves cognitive function without evident toxicity, including cancer risk.

DC66548 GalNAc-Lipid GL3 Featured

DC66549 GalNAc-NAG-37 Phosphoramidite Featured

DC66550 GalNAc-Cluster-COOH Featured

DC66551 GalNAc-Cluster-HHA-CE Phosphoramidite Featured

DC66552 PAM-Acid derivatives Featured

DC66553 PAM-Acid Featured

DC66554 AdemC-GalNAc Phosphoramidite Featured

DC66555 GalNAc-L96 Linker-Acid Featured

DC66556 GalNAc PEG Cluster Phosphoramidite Featured

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