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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC2200 G514-0206

Inhibitor of NLRP3 inflammasome

DCC2201 G6 Hydrochloride

Novel antibacterial and anti-biofilm agent against antibiotic resistant clinical isolates

DCC2202 G6pdi-1

Novel G6PD inhibitor, revealing immune dependence on pentose phosphate pathway. depleting NADPH most strongly in lymphocytes, markedly decreasing inflammatory cytokine production in T calls, suppressing respiratory burst in neutrophils

DCC2203 Gabaar Antagonist 1e

Novel potent competitive γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA A R) antagonist (K i = 180 nM), targeting extrasynaptic α4βδ subtype, showing efficiently rescue inhibition of T cell proliferation

DCC2204 gabra5-agonist-6

Potent and selective

DCC2205 Gac0001e5 Featured

GAC0003A4 is an LXR inverse agonist that inhibits LXR transcriptional activity. GAC0003A4 also efficiently degrades LXRβ protein. GAC0003A4 has the potential to be used in advanced pancreatic cancer and other refractory malignancies.

DCC2206 Gac0003a4 Featured

Novel LXR inverse agonist, functioning as LXR a degrader, significantly reducing LXR protein levels in PDAC cell lines

DCC2207 Gadoxetate Disodium

Liver-specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent

DCC2208 Galidesivir Dihydrochloride

Novel viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) inhibitor

DCC2209 Galk-in-36

Novel inhibitor of galactokinase (GALK)

DCC2210 Galunisertib Monohydrate

First-in-class transforming growth factor-β receptor type I inhibitor

DCC2211 Gamendazole

Novel male contraceptive agent, blocking spermatogenesis

DCC2212 Gamillus

Novel acid-tolerant green RSFP, exhibiting negative switching with especially high contrast in acidic conditions, and its off switching is caused by trans-to-cis isomerization of the chromophore hydroxyphenyl ring that accompanies protonation

DCC2213 Gamma-actinorhodin

Natural antibiotic, displaying potent and selective bactericidal activity against key Gram-positive pathogens (including Staphylococcus aureus and enterococci)

DCC2214 Gamma-glu-gln

Mammalian metabolite, identified in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid from hyperammonaemic patients

DCC2215 Ganstigmine

Novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

DCC2216 Gas41 Inhibitor 19

Novel GAS41 YEATS inhibitor, blocking proliferation of NSCLC cells, and modulating expression of GAS41-dependent genes, demonstrating on-target inhibition of GAS41 in cancer cells

DCC2217 Gat107

Novel allosteric activator and positive modulator of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), more active (+)-enantiomer of 4BP-TQS

DCC2218 Gat1600

Novel potent CB1R ago-PAM

DCC2219 Gat1601

Novel CB1R allosteric agonist biased toward G protein- vs β-arrestin1/2-dependent signaling

DCC2220 Gat591

Novel CB1R allosteric agonist-positive modulator (ago-PAM), exhibiting augmented allosteric-agonist and PAM activities in neuronal cultures, improved metabolic stability, and enhanced orthosteric agonist binding (CP55940)

DCC2221 Gat592

Novel CB1R allosteric agonist-positive allosteric modulator (ago-PAM), exhibiting moderate ago-PAM potency and improved aqueous solubility with therapeutic reduction of intraocular pressure in murine glaucoma models

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