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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC3271 Mcl-1 Inhibitor-5

The first reversible covalent inhibitor for Mcl-1, a protein-protein interaction (PPI) target

DCC3272 Mcl1-in-1

Novel potent and selective inhibitor of the apoptosis regulating proteins Mcl-1

DCC3273 Mcmmad Featured

Novel mc (maleimidocaproyl) linker plus MMAD (Monomethylauristatin D) to be used for prepare antibodies conjugates via cysteine-capped mechanism

DCC3274 Mct4-in-18n

Novel highly selective inhibitor of monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4/SLC16A3), resulting in lactate efflux inhibition and reduction of cellular viability in MCT4 high expressing cells

DCC3275 Mcule-5948770040

Novel SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) inhibitor, binding to Subsites S1 and S2 (Kd=1.3 µM)

DCC3276 Md-222

First-in-class highly potent PROTAC degrader of MDM2

DCC3277 Md-39-am

Diuretic agent, impling an increase in the Na+ excretion and showing antihypertensive effect

DCC3278 Mdc-1112

Novel valproic acid (VPA) derivative, as a potent STAT3 inhibitor

DCC3279 Mdcccl1636

Novel partial PPARgamma ligand, displaying partial agonist activity in biochemical and cell-based transactivation assays, and reversed insulin resistance

DCC3280 Mdctmp

Novel proteolysis-resistant self-localizing ligand (SL), sustaining PM localization of eDHFR-fusion proteins (over several hours to a day), inducing prolonged signal activation and cell differentiation

DCC3281 Mde 6-82-1c

Novel MC5R antagonist

DCC3282 Mde10-136rs

Novel potent and highly selective melanocortin-3 receptor (MC3R) agonist, showing greater than 140-fold selective for the mMC3R over the mMC4R, possessed 70 nM potency at the mMC3R, and partially stimulated the mMC4R at 100 μM concentrations without antag

DCC3283 Mde6-5-2c

Novel potent and nonselective MC3R and MC4R macrocyclic agonist. decreased food intake and respiratory exchange ratio (RER)

DCC3284 Mdg486

Novel Inhibitor of BAF, activating latent HIV-1

DCC3285 mdg559

Novel peroxisome proliferator activated receptor

DCC3286 mdg582

Novel peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) ligand

DCC3287 Mdl100240

Dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase

DCC3288 Mdm2/x Pdi

Potent Peptide dual inhibitor of MDM2/X, inhibiting p53 interactions with MDM2 (IC50 = 10 nmol/L) and MDMX (IC50 = 100 nmol/L), inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of cell lines with overexpressed MDM2/X

DCC3289 Mdm2/xiap-in-14

Novel potent dual MDM2/XIAP inhibitor

DCC3290 Mdm2-p53-in-1b

Novel inhibitor of the MDM2-p53 interaction

DCC3291 Mdmb-chminaca

Potent ligand of the central CB1 receptor

DCC3292 Me1111

Novel selective inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase (complex II) of dermatophyte species

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