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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC4814 Sn-38 Prodrug 3c

Novel Bioorthogonal Prodrug of SN-38 with Fast Reaction Kinetics and High Releasing Efficiency In Vivo

DCC4815 Snap-398299

Potent and selective GAL3 antagonist

DCC4816 Snap-5089

Highly selective alpha1A-adrenoceptor antagonist

DCC4817 Sniper(abl)-38

Specific and Nongenetic IAP-dependent Protein Eraser (SNIPER), acting as a protein degradation inducer of oncogenic BCR-ABL protein

DCC4818 Sniper(brd4)-1

Specific and Nongenetic Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (IAP)-dependent Protein Eraser (SNIPER), acting as a a protein degradation inducer of bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4)

DCC4819 Sniper(ch6)

Novel fused proteins degrader of the His-tagged CRABP-II and Smad2 in cells

DCC4820 Sniper(crabp)-11

Novel potent degrader of the mitochondrial CRABP-II protein

DCC4821 Sniper(er)-87

Novel potent and selective degrader of the ERα protein

DCC4822 Sniper(pde4)-9

Specific and Nongenetic Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (IAP)-dependent Protein Eraser (SNIPER), acting as a a protein degradation inducer of phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4)

DCC4823 Snri-h05

Novel potent serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) with moderate 5-HT2A antagonist activity for anti-depression

DCC4824 sns-oh

Inducer of apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells through inhibition of AKT signaling pathway

DCC4825 Snu-bp

Novel agonist of PPAR-gamma, inhibiting lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NO production and pro-inflammatory cytokines, potentiating interleukin-4-induced arginase-1 expression, promoting microglial polarization toward to an M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype

DCC4826 Snx2-1-108

Highly selective inhibitor of CDK8 and its isoform CDK19

DCC4827 So1989

Novel macrophage modulator, inhibiting inflammation and M1 polarization of macrophages, restoring the balance between M1-polarized and M2-polarized macrophages in high fat diets (HFD)-induced obese mice resulting in the improvement of adipose inflammation

DCC4828 soblidotin

Inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, resulting in cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis

DCC4829 Sobuzoxane

Orally available active prodrug of ICRF-154, interferring with topoisomerase II activity prior to the formation of intermediate cleavable DNA-enzyme complexes during the catalytic cycle resulting in tumor cell growth inhibition

DCC4830 Sod1-derlin-1 Inhibitor 56-20

Novel potent inhibitor of SOD1-Derlin-1 interaction

DCC4831 Sod1-derlin-1 Inhibitor 56-26

Novel potent inhibitor of SOD1-Derlin-1 interaction

DCC4832 Sodelglitazar

PPARdelta receptor agonist

DCC4833 Sodium Dehydrocholate

Hepatoprotective and choleretic agent

DCC4834 Sodium Oxybate

Narcolepsy agent, being used to treat catalepse and daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy

DCC4835 Solanidine

Natural tumor antagonistic steroidal alkaloid, inducing typical cellular apoptotic hallmarks and cell cycle blockage at S-G2/M phase, activating nuclear import of DFF-40 mediated nucleosomal disruption and cell demise

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