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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC5188 Tol8-agonist-31a

Novel Human Toll-like Receptor 8-Selective Agonist

DCC5189 Toldimfos Sodium

Stimulator of metabolism, preventing diseases associated with parturition and peri-partum period, developmental and nutritional disorders in young animals, and bone growth disorders and tetany or paresis caused by calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus metabo

DCC5190 Tonantzitlolone

Natural agonist of TPRC1/4/5 channels, also acting as a dual PKCα and PKCθ activator, inducing an insulin resistant phenotype by inhibiting IRS1 and the PI3K/Akt pathway, activating the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) transcription factor driving glucose depen

DCC5191 Top1/tdp1-in-c12

Novel dual TOP1 and TDP1 inhibitor, inducing both cellular TOP1cc, TDP1cc formation and DNA damage, resulting in cancer cell apoptosis at a sub-micromolar concentration

DCC5192 Top1210

Novel narrow spectrum kinase inhibitor, potently inhibiting P38a, Src, and Syk kinase activities

DCC5193 Top-dnj

Novel Selective Inhibitor of Endoplasmic Reticulum α-Glucosidase II, Exhibiting Antiflaviviral Activity

DCC5194 Topki-nbd

Novel highly specific fluorescent TOPK inhibitor

DCC5195 To-pro3 Iodide

Nucleic acid stain, acting on viable, early apoptotic and necrotic cells differentially, showing specific staining of nuclei without any staining of the cytoplasm

DCC5196 Tortuosamine

Natural psychoactive agent

DCC5197 Tos-gly-pro-arg-anba-ipa

Chromogenic peptide substrate for the rapid and specific photometric assay of recombinant hirudin (r-hirudin)

DCC5198 Tosylaniline

Selective CA IX inhibitor

DCC5199 Toxt-in-8

Novel ToxT inhibitor, reducing Vibrio cholerae virulence in vivo and effectively inhibiting intestinal colonization in the infant mouse

DCC5200 Tp-008

Novel probe for activin receptor-like kinase (ALK4 and ALK5)

DCC5201 Tp-040

Novel inhibitor of O-GlcNAcase (OGA)

DCC5202 Tp-238 Hydrochloride

Novel probe for CECR2/BPTF bromodomains

DCC5203 Tpe-gal

First-in-class fluorescent drug delivery vesicle that can efficiently load both water-soluble and -insoluble anticancer drugs

DCC5204 Tph1-in-23a

Novel Peripheral Selective Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) Inhibitor (IC 50 : 42nM) for Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease

DCC5205 Tpi1609-10

Inhibitor of tyrosine recombinases and Holliday junction-resolving enzymes; Antibacterial

DCC5206 Tpi-1917-49

Promising amyloid reducing agent by lowering the levels of Aβ.

DCC5207 Tpi-2659-17

Novel Specific Inhibitor of Type I Collagen Production in Fibrosis

DCC5208 Tpi-287

Novel taxane family member, reducing the brain metastatic colonization of breast cancer cells

DCC5209 Tpl2-in-i

Novel tumour progression locus 2 (Tpl2) kinase inhibitor

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