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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC23369 KDM-IN-6

KDM-IN-6 is a potent, highly selective and cell-active inhibitor of KDM2A/7A with IC50 of 0.16 and 0.19 uM,respectively.

DC23673 KDS2010

KDS2010 (KDS-2010, KDS 2010) is a potent, highly selective, reversible Monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor with IC50 of 7.6 nM.

DC23778 KDU731

KDU731 is a potent, selective parasite Cryptosporidium lipid kinase PI4K (phosphatidylinositol-4-OH kinase) inhibitor with IC50 of 25 nM, displays >50-fold selectivity window against the human PI4K IIIβ homologue.

DC11627 KEA1-97 Featured

KEA1-97 (KEA 1-97) is a small molecule that disrupts the interaction of thioredoxin with caspase 3.

DC12272 Kelatorphan

Kelatorphan is a full inhibitor of enkephalin degrading enzymes.

DC21200 KG-548

KG-548 is an ARNT/TACC3 disruptor (IC50=25 uM) that selectively bind within the ARNT PAS (Per-ARNT-Sim) domain that recruits TACC3..

DC22752 KGA-2727 Featured

KGA-2727 is a potent, selective SGLT1 inhibitor with Ki of 97.4 nM, >100-fold selectivity over SGLT2.

DC23680 KGP-420

KGP-420 is the water-soluble phosphate prodrug of KGP-94 in vivo studies, KGP-94 is a potent, selective cathepsin L inhibitor with IC50 of 189 nM.

DC23674 KGP-94

KGP-94 is a potent, selective cathepsin L inhibitor with IC50 of 189 nM, shows no significant inhibitory effect on cathepsin B (IC50>10 uM).

DC22230 KH-176

KH-176 (KH176, Sonlicromanol) is a smal molecule ROS-redox modulator, effectively reduces increased cellular ROS levels and protects OXPHOS deficient primary cells against redox perturbation by targeting the Thioredoxin/Peroxiredoxin system.

DC21201 KH 176

KH176 is a chemical entity derivative of Trolox and small molecule ROS-redox modulator, shows potential treatment for mitochondrial disorders.

DC20009 KH7 Featured

KH7 is a soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC)-specific inhibitor, with IC50s of 3-10 μM toward both recombinant purified human sACt protein and heterologously expressed sACt in cellular assays.

DC25101 KH-CB19

KH-CB19 is a potent and highly specific inhibitor of CDC2-like kinase isoforms 1 and 4 (CLK1/CLK4) with IC50 of 20 nM (CLK1), displays almost 100-fold selectivity against the CLK3 isoform.

DC23106 KHK-IN-8

KHK-IN-8 is a potent ketohexokinase (KHK) inhibitor with IC50 of 12 nM, interacts with Asp-27B in the ATP-binding region of KHK, also shows potent cellular KHK inhibition with IC50 of <500 nM..

DC25105 KHK-IN-8 hydrochloride

KHK-IN-8 is a potent ketohexokinase (KHK) inhibitor with IC50 of 12 nM, interacts with Asp-27B in the ATP-binding region of KHK, also shows potent cellular KHK inhibition with IC50 of <500 nM..

DC12275 KHS101 hydrochloride Featured

KHS101 hydrochloride could selectively induce a neuronal differentiation phenotype and interacts with transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 3 (TACC3).

DC21202 KI16

KI16 is a novel small molecules that inhibit STAT3-dependent transcription and function, interacts with the STAT3 SH2 domain.

DC20431 Kif15-IN-1

Kif15-IN-1 is a potent, selective inhibitor of KIF15 motility, can act synergistically with Eg5 inhibitors to impair cancer cell proliferation..

DC20432 KIN-281

KIN-281 is a small molecule that inhibits multiple kinases including MELK and the non-receptor tyrosine kinase BMX with IC50 of 1.4 and 1.9 uM, respectively.

DC12220 Kinesore

Kinesore is an inhibitor of the KLC2-SKIP Interaction.

DC21912 KIRA-7

KIRA-7 is a small molecule inhibitor of IRE1α kinase/Rnase with IC50 of 0.11/0.22 uM, allosterically inhibits IRE1α RNase activity.

DC20111 Kira8 Featured

Kira8 is a mono-selective IRE1α inhibitor that allosterically attenuates IRE1α’s RNase.

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