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DC20450 MI-2-2 hydrochloride

MI-2-2 hydrochloride is a potent inhibitor of the menin-MLL interaction that binds to menin with low nanomolar affinity (Kd=22 nM).

DC20449 MI-2-2 Featured

MI-2-2 is a potent inhibitor of the menin-MLL interaction that binds to menin with low nanomolar affinity (Kd=22 nM); inhibits the interaction of menin with MLL-AF9 in HEK293 cells in a dose-dependent manner with 4-fold potentcy improvement over MI-2; suppresses growth of MLL-AF9–transformed BMCs; causes MV4:11 cells growth inhibition of with GI50 of 3 uM.

DC23291 MI-223

MI-223 (NSC 320223) is a small molecule that specifically binds to Mcl-1 with Kd of 160 nM, inhibits HR DNA repair and sensitizes cancer cells to DNA replication agents.

DC11162 MID-1 Featured

MID-1 (ChemBridge5655896) is a specific small molecule MG53-IRS-1 interaction disruptor (MID), but not MG53-FAK and-Cav-3 interaction; increases the IRS-1 protein level in C2C12 myotubes, abrogates MG53-induced IRS-1 ubiquitination and degradation; potent

DC20962 Midazolam

Midazolam (Dormicum.

DC24075 Midodrine Featured

Midodrine is a selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist that acts as a vasopressor/antihypotensive agent for the treatment of dysautonomia and orthostatic hypotension.

DC24076 Midodrine hydrochloride Featured

Midodrine is a selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist that acts as a vasopressor/antihypotensive agent for the treatment of dysautonomia and orthostatic hypotension.

DC20451 MIF-IN-3bb

MIF-IN-3bb is a potent inhibitor of Migration inhibitory factor (MIF) tautomerase activity with Ki of 57 nM.

DC12425 MIK665

MIK665 (S-64315, MIK-665) is a novel potent, selective Mcl-1 inhibitor with potential pro-apoptotic and antineoplastic activities.

DC3158 Milrinone Featured

Milrinone(Primacor) is a a potent and selective phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.42 μM for the inhibition of FIII PDE

DC21074 Milveterol

Milveterol (GSK 159797) is a potent, selective long-acting β2 adrenoceptor agonist with pEC50 of 10.2 in cell-based assays, displays good β2/β1 selectivity (>300-fold).

DC21075 Milveterol hydrochloride

Milveterol (GSK 159797) is a potent, selective long-acting β2 adrenoceptor agonist with pEC50 of 10.2 in cell-based assays, displays good β2/β1 selectivity (>300-fold).

DC21584 MIN-101 Featured

MIN-101 (Roluperidone, CYR-101, MT-210) is a higly potent 5-HT2A and sigma 2 receptor antagonist, with no direct dopamine affinities, for treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia..

DC23395 MIND-4

MIND-4 is a novel potent, selective, non-competitive SIRT2 deacetylase inhibitor with IC50 of 1.2 uM, Ki of 2.1 uM, and also is an inducer of the NRF2 pathway.

DC11902 Minesapride

Minesapride (DSP-6952) is a novel potent, selective, orally active 5-HT4 receptor partial agonist with Ki of 50-100 nM for human 5-HT4a/4b/4c.

DC21919 MIR17PTi

MIR17PTi is a novel LNA gapmeR antisense oligonucleotide (LNA-ASO), first-in-class inhibitor of pri-mir-17-92.

DC11045 miR-21 inhibitor 37

miR-21 inhibitor 37 is a novel inhibitor of miR-21 function with EC50 of 5.3 uM in HeLa-miR21-Luc assays, displays no inhibition of miR-122.

DC21651 miR544-IN-1

miR544-IN-1 (SID 3712249) is a selective small molecule inhibitor of miR-544 biogenesis.

DC23113 Mirk-IN-1 Featured

Mirk-IN-1 is a potent, specific inhibitor of Dyrk1B (Mirk kianse) and Dyrk1A with IC50 of 68 nM and 22 nM respectively, shows SW620 cell IC50 of 1.9 uM.

DC20452 MitoBloCK 1

MitoBloCK 1 is a small molecule inhibitor that blocks the import of substrates that use the TIM22 import pathway, but not TIM23 or the Mia40/Erv1 translocation pathways.

DC12625 MitoBloCK-10 Featured

MitoBloCK-10 (MB-10) is a potential attenuator of protein import into mitochondria via targeting Tim44, inhibits the import of substrates that use the TIM23 import pathway.

DC12626 MitoBloCK-11 Featured

MitoBloCK-11 (MB-11) is a s mall molecule inhibitor of mitochondrial protein import possibly acts through transport protein Seo1, but not Tom70 or Tom20; inhibits precursor proteins that contain hydrophobic segments, confers growth in media lacking uracil in a specific manner and affects zebrafish development.

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