Home > RNA Delivery > cap analog
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC67197 m7GpppAmpG ammonium Featured

m7GpppAmpG ammonium is a trinucleotide 5′ cap analog with the capping efficiencies for the obtained RNAs of 90%.

DC67211 m7GpppAmpG Na salt Featured

m7GpppAmpG Na salt is a trinucleotide 5′ cap analog with the capping efficiencies for the obtained RNAs of 90%.

DC67221 3'OMe-m7GpppAmpG (ammonium) solution (100mM) Featured

3'OMe-m7GpppAmpG ammonium solution (100mM) is a trinucleotide Cap analogue. 3'OMe-m7GpppAmpG ammonium shows a significant translational efficiency. 3'OMe-m7GpppAmpG ammonium can be used as a potential molecular biology tool in the field of mRNA vaccines and mRNA transfection, such as protein production, gene therapy and anti-cancer immunization.

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