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DC70800 SRX3262

SRX3262 is a potent, triple BTK/PI3K/BRD4 inhibitor.

DC70801 SRX3305 Featured

SRX 3305 is a potent, triple BTK/PI3K/BRD4 inhibitor with IC50 of 6.5 nM, 15 nM, and 4 nM toward BTK, PI3Kɑ and PI3Kδ respectively, inhibits BRD4 BD1 and BD2 with IC50 of 77 and 95 nM.SRX3305 showed enhanced binding to the drug-resistant C481S mutant of BTK compared to SRX-3262 (IC50=9 uM and 25 uM, respectively).SRX3305 displayed cytotoxicity aginst MCL cell lines JeKo-1, Mino, Granta with IC50 of 58 nM, 1 nM, 1.1 uM, respectively.SRX3305 inhibited cell vbiability of JeKo-1 BTK C481S and Mino BTK C481S mutant cell lines with IC50 of 1 uM and 47 nM, respectively, with minimally toxic to healthy donor PBMCs.SRX3305 showed improved efficacy in MCL and Ibrutinib-resistant MCL cells, SRX3305 impacted gene expression, perturbs the cell cycle and promotes apoptosis in MCL.

DC70802 SS-208 Featured

SS-208 (SS208) is a novel potent, selective inhibitor of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) with IC50 of 12 nM, >100-fold selectivity over HDAC1/4/5/7/8/9/11.SS-208 has minimal effects on the viability of murine SM1 melanoma cells in vitro, significantly reduced in vivo tumor growth in a murine SM1 syngeneic melanoma mouse model.

DC70815 SW-101

SW-101 (SW101) is a potent, selective HDAC6 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.7 nM, >200-fold selectivity over HDAC1/2/3.SW-101 possesses excellent HDAC6 potency and selectivity, together with markedly improved metabolic stability and druglike properties compared to SW-100.SW-101 treatment elevates the impaired level of acetylated α-tubulin in the distal sciatic nerve, counteracts progressive motor dysfunction, and ameliorates neuropathic symptoms in a CMT2A mouse model bearing mutant MFN2.

DC70816 SW2_152F

SW2_152F (SW2 152F) is a potent, selective, cell permeable CBX2 chromodomain probe, binds to the N-terminal chromodomain (ChD) with Kd of 80 nM.SW2_152F displays 24-1,000-fold selectivity for CBX2 ChD over other CBX paralogs (CBX4/6/7/8) in vitro.SW2_152F is cell permeable, selectively inhibits CBX2 chromatin binding in cells, and blocks neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer cell lines in response to androgen deprivation.

DC70821 T-518 Featured

T-518 (T518) is a potent, highly selective, brain penetrant, oral HDAC6 inhibitor with IC50 of 36 nM.T-518 did not obviously inhibit human HDAC1, 4, or 7 at 10 uM, which belongs to Class I or Class IIa HDAC.T-518 showed brain penetration in an oral dose and blocked HDAC6-dependent tubulin deacetylation at Lys40 in mouse hippocampus.T-518 decreased RIPA-insoluble tau accumulation (3-month treatment, 1 and 3 mg/kg), restored impaired axonal transport and novel object recognition in the P301S tau Tg mouse (tauopathy model) by 2-week treatment with dose 1 and 3 mg/kg.

DC70822 TACH101 Featured

TACH101 (QC8222, TACH 101) is a reversible, α-ketoglutarate competitive, selective and potent inhibitor of KDM4 isoforms A-D with IC50 values of <0.1 uM against all four isoforms.TACH101 demonstrated potent increase of H3K36me3 levels (EC50 <0.001 uM, HTRF) in KYSE-150 cell line engineered to overexpress KDM4C and showed potent anti-proliferative activity in multiple cell lines in OncoPanel.Sub-micromolar levels of TACH101 induced apoptosis in human colorectal (HT-29), esophageal (KYSE-150), and triple negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) cell lines with EC50s of 0.033-0.092 uM.TACH101 triggered effective tumor growth control in xenograft models including colorectal, esophageal, gastric, breast, and lymphoma with tumor growth inhibition of up to 100%.

DC70824 Targapremir-200c

Targapremir-200c (TGP-200c) is a structure-specific, small molecule inhibitor of miR-200c precursor (pre-miR-200c), binds to the Dicer site of pre-miR-200c with Kd of 50 nM.TGP-200c inhibits Dicer processing of pre-miR-200c with IC50 320 nM, selectively engages pre-miR-200c in cells.TGP-200c potently inhibits miR-200c biogenesis selectively across the miRnome and modulates the downstream miR-200c pathway.TGP-200c selectively inhibits miR-200c over other miR-200 family members by recognizing the 1x1 UU internal loop unique to pre-miR-200c and an adjacent AU base pair simultaneously.TGP-200c selectively rescues a miR-200c-mediated phenotype in MIN6 cells, induces anti-apoptotic phenotype, modulates various T2D-related pathways, including insulin signaling and metabolism, represses pro-cell death factors and promotes β cell survival in specific ways.

DC70829 TC-5115

TC-5115 (TC5115 ) is a potent, selective inhibitor of MLL1 SET domain with IC50 of 15 nM, 48 times more potent than the pan-methyltransferase inhibitor SAH.

DC70832 TDI-11904

TDI-11904 is a highly potent, and peripherally active EZH2 inhibitor.

DC70833 TDI-6118

TDI-6118 is a potent, selective brain-penetrant EZH2 inhibitor with IC50 of 14 nM, inhibits cellular H3K27me with IC50 of 580 nM.

DC70838 TGP-377/421 Featured

TGP-377/421 (Targapre-miR-377/421) is a smalll molecule targets pre-miR-377 and inhibits its processing, binds to miR-377's Dicer processing site with Kd of 29 uM.TGP-377/421 inhibits the cellular biogenesis of miR-377 in HUVECs, reduced mature miR-377 levels in a dose-dependent fashion with IC50 of 5 uM, also inhibits miR-421.

DC70854 Tucidinostat Featured

Tucidinostat (Chidamide, HBI-8000, CS055) is a novel histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with IC50 of 95/160/67/733/78/432 nM for HDAC1/2/3/8/10/11, respectively; shows no activity against Class IIa HDAC4/4/7/9 and HDAC6; demonstrates significant and broad spectrum in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity, induces G1 arrest, ROS-dependent apoptosis and differentiation in human leukaemia cells.

DC70860 UBD253

UBD253 (SGC-UBD253) is a potent, selective ubiquitin chemical probe for ubiquitin binding domain of HDAC6 with Kd of 84 nM (SPR), inhibits the HDAC6-ISG15 interaction (EC50=1.9 uM, nanoBRET).UBD253 (SGC-UBD253) displays little to no affinity for other USPs (>100-fold selectivity). SGC-UBD253 potently (<100 nM) binds HDAC6-UBD (ubiquitin binding domain), decreases the interaction between full-length HDAC6 with ISG15.

DC70865 UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 Featured

UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 is a specific compound that selectively inhibits the UHRF1-histone interaction (IC50=12.4 uM), targets the PHD finger of UHRF1, specifically disrupting histone H3 arginine 2 interactions with the PHD finger.UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 inhibited binding between H3K9me3(FAM) and UHRF1 with IC50 of 24-26 uM, displace UHRF1-histone H3 binding in cells.

DC70866 UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD5

UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD5 is a specific compound that selectively inhibits the UHRF1-histone interaction (IC50=7.4 uM), targets the PHD finger of UHRF1, specifically disrupting histone H3 arginine 2 interactions with the PHD finger.UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD5 inhibited binding between H3K9me3(FAM) and UHRF1 with IC50 of 24-26 uM, displace UHRF1-histone H3 binding in cells.

DC70868 UM-002

UM-002 is a highly potent, selective, brain penetrant BRD4 bromodomain inhibitor with IC50 of 8.8 and 2.4 nM for BRD4-1 and BRD4-2, respectively.UM-002 is more potent than JQ1 at inhibiting BRD2-1, BRD4-1, and BRD4-2.UM-002 reduces GBM cell proliferation more than JQ1, or the brain penetrant BET inhibitor MK-8628.UM-002 not affect the enzymatic activity of histone deacetylases, histone acetyltransferases.UM-002 inhibits GBM cell proliferation in vitro with EC50 of 0.13 and 0.24 uM for GBM22 cells and GBM39 cells, repectively.UM-002 reduces proliferation of GBM cells co-cultured with cerebral brain organoids, reduces the expression of cell-cycle related genes in vivo and reduces the expression of invasion related genes within the non-proliferative cells present in tumors.

DC70902 WDR5 inhibitor 41

WDR5 inhibitor 41 is a potent, selective and orally bioavailable WDR5 WIN-site inhibitor with TR-FRET Ki value of <0.02 nM, inhibits cell proliferation of MV4:11 and MOLM-13 with IC50 of 13 and 27 nM, respectively.WDR5 inhibitor 41 is well tolerated in mice by both iv and po dosing and showed no clinical sign of abnormalities suggesting an enhanced safetyprofile for the series.

DC70911 XP-524

XP-524 (XL-223, XP524) is a potent, dual-BET/EP300 inhibitor, inhibits BRD4-BD (IC50=5.8 nM) and BRD4-BD2 (IC50=1.5 nM).XP-524 binds strongly to and inhibits EP300 and CBP proteins with IC50 of 28 and 116 nM, respectively.XP-524 (XL-223) showed high potency and selectivity (Kd < 1 nM) across BET family proteins. Selectivity for BRD proteins over all other bromodomain proteins was >400-fold.XP-524 significantly decreased expression of Myc pathway oncogenes such as c-MYC and n-MYC, increased expression of CDKN1B, a tumor suppressor that prevents the activation of the cyclin-D/CDK4 complex, and also reduced expression of cyclin-D (CCND1) itself.XP-524 showed increased potency and superior tumoricidal activity than the benchmark BET inhibitor JQ-1 in vitro, with comparable efficacy to higher-dose JQ-1 combined with the EP300/CBP inhibitor SGC-CBP30.XP-524 prevented KRAS-induced, neoplastic transformation in vivo and extended survival in two transgenic mouse models of aggressive PDAC.

DC70912 XY153

XY153 is a potent, BD2-selective BET inhibitor with IC50 of 0.79 nM for BRD4 BD2, 354-fold selectivity over BRD4 BD1.XY153 displays 6-fold BRD4 BD2 domain selectivity over other BET BD2 domains.XY153 displayed potent antiproliferative activity against multiple tumor cell lines, especially MV4-11 (IC50=0.55 nM), also demonstrated good metabolic stability in vitro.

DC70913 YC8-02

YC8-02 is a small molecule mitochondrial-targeting SIRT3 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.53 uM.YC8-02 inhibits SIRT1 and SIRT2 with IC50 of 2.8 and 0.062 uM in in vitro biochemical assays.YC8-02 manifested increased ratio of mitochondria to total cell concentration, as measured by mass spectrometry in purified mitochondria extracts and total cell lysates.YC8-02 increased mitochondrial protein acetylation, inhibited GDH activity and induced autophagy in DLBCL cells.YC8-02 could phenocopy the effects of SIRT3 depletion.YC8-02 (30 mg/kg) caused regression of the tumors in DLBCL xenografts, with no evidence of discomfort or weight loss.

DC70945 [18F]-NT160

[18F]-NT160, a Florbetapir (18F)-radiolabeled NT160, is a diagnostic tool for positron emission tomography (PET). NT160 is a brain-penetrant and selective class-IIa HDAC inhibitor with an IC50 of 46 nM. NT160 exhibits a remarkably high inhibition against HDAC4, HDAC5, HDAC7, and HDAC9 with IC50s of 0.08 nM, 1.2 nM, 1.0 nM, and 0.9 nM, respectively.

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