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DC74158 S9-A13 Featured

S9-A13 is a highly potent and specific inhibitor of SLC26A9, potently inhibits SLC26A9-mediated Cl−/I− and Cl−/SCN− exchange activities with IC50 of 90.9 and 171.5 nM, respectively.S9-A13 does not inhibit other members of the SLC26 family and has no effects on Cl− channels such as CFTR, TMEM16A, or VRAC.S9-A13 (0-1 uM ) inhibits SLC26A9 currents in a dose-dependent manner in HEK293 cells, but shows little effects on CFTR currents in HEK293 cells at the highest concentration (5 uM).S9-A13 has a minor effect on ion transport in human airway epithelial cells and mouse trachea, despite clear expression of SLC26A9 in the apical membrane of ciliated cells.

DC74161 SAR439883 Featured

SAR439883 (SAR 439883) is a novel potent, selective, orally active PKR inhibitor with IC50 of 0.68/0.69 uM against hPKR/mPKR, respectively.

DC74177 SN34960 Featured

SN34960 is a small molecule Perforin inhibitor, inhibits perforin-induced lysis of Jurkat T-lymphoma cells with IC50 of 6.65 uM, shows suboptimal physicochemical properties and toxicity toward the natural killer (NK) cells that secrete perforin in vivo.

DC74185 SS-1-148 Featured

SS-1-148 is a potent, selective inhibitor of human ornithine δ-aminotransferase (hOAT) with Ki of 60 uM, shows excellent selectivity over other related aminotransferases (e.g., GABA-AT).

DC74198 TMX-4102 Featured

TMX-4102 (TMX4102) is a highly potent, selective PIP4K2C binder with KD of 0.45 nM, shows no affinity for PIP4K2B and PIP4K2A (KD>10 uM).

DC74205 Tryptolinamide Featured

Tryptolinamide (TLAM) is a small-molecule compound that activates mitochondrial respiration in cybrids generated from patient-derived mitochondria and fibroblasts from patient-derived iPSCs, inhibits phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1) with an ATP-uncompetitive

DC74218 UT-59 Featured

UT-59 is a specific inhibitor of cholesterol-sensing membrane protein Scap, binds to Scap's cholesterol-binding site, blocks SREBP activation and inhibits lipid synthesis.

DC74225 YB-537 Featured

YB-537 (YB537) is a potent, highly specific quinone reductase 2 (QR2) inhibitor with IC50 of 3 nM, shows no activity against QR1 (IC50>10 uM).

DC74247 AG-946 Featured

AG-946 (AG946) is a potent, allosteric activator of wild-type and mutant RBC-specific form of pyruvate kinase (PKR) with AC50 of 5 nM for human wild-type PK, 4.3 nM and 6.9 nM for mutated K410E and R510Q PK proteins, resepctively.

DC74260 cyclo-CRVLIR Featured

cyclo-CRVLIR is a cyclic peptide that binds selectively to p110α RAS binding domain (p110α-RBD) with ITC Kd of 3 uM, blocks p110α/RAS interaction in vitro and KRAS cancer cell lines.

DC74330 HA-9104 Featured

HA-9104 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of E2 conjugating enzyme UBE2F with IC50 of 33.29 uM for inhibition of cullin-5 neddylation, abrogates UBE2F-NEDD8 thioester formation and inhibits cullin-5 neddylation.

DC74336 Darizmetinib Featured

Darizmetinib (HRX-0215, HRX0215) is a potent, selective inhibitor of MKK4 (MAP2K4/SEK1), shows potential for promoting liver regeneration or reducing or preventing hepatocyte death.

DC74339 HRX-0233 Featured

HRX-0233 (HRX0233) is a potent, selective MAP2K4 (MKK4) inhibitor, HRX-0233 is synergistic with RAS inhibitors in KRAS-mutant cancers.

DC74341 NFX-179 Featured

NFX-179 (Nedometinib, NFX179) is a potent, specific, topical, metabolically labile MEK1/2 inhibitor with biochemical IC50 of 135 nM (MEK1).

DC74347 NC-p38i NC-37 Featured

Non-canonical p38α inhibitor NC-37 (NC-p38i NC-37) is a potent, highly selective, non-canonical inhibitor of p38α, inhibits TAB1-induced p38α autophosphorylation in vitro with IC50 of 0.27 uM.

DC74365 RMC-4998 Featured

RMC-4998 (RMC4998) is a tricomplex inhibitor that targets the active state or GTP-bound state of KRAS G12C, selectively inhibits the proliferation of KRASG12C mutant cells with mean IC50 of 0.28 nM.

DC74382 Tepotinib Featured

Tepotinib (EMD1214063, MSC2156119) is a potent, specific and ATP-competitive inhibitor of MET (HGFR) with IC50 of 23 nM for MET WT autophosphorylation and 2.2-42.6 nM for M1268T, Y1248H, H1112Y, L1213V, H1112L, V1110I, V1206L, and V1238I MET-mutated varia

DC74383 WM-S1-030 Featured

WM-S1-030 is a highly potent, specific inhibitor of recepteur d'origine nantais (RON kinase, MST1R) with IC50 of 0.39 nM in in vitro enzyme activity.

DC74394 DSF-102 Featured

DSF-102 (DSF102) is a small molecule EGFR inhibitor that interacts with the extracellular domain (ECD) of EGFR, inhibits the interaction with the EGF instead of blocking the intracellular kinase activity, shows inhibition of EGFR dimerization with IC50 of

DC74400 OBX02-011 Featured

OBX02-011 is a potent, reversible, fourth-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that overcomes the EGFR C797S mutation, inhibits triple mutants Del19/T790M/C797S and L858R/T790M/C797S with IC50 of 0.134 and 2.09 nM, respectively.

DC74438 NRPa-308 Featured

NRPa-308 is a neuropilin-1 (NRP-1) antagonist, inhibits the VEGF-A165/NRP-1 binding with IC50 of 42 uM, exerts in vitro anti-angiogenic activity.

DC74467 RXC004 Featured

RXC004 (RXC-004) is a potent, selective Porcupine (PRCN) inhibitor, inhibits functional Wnt production from mouse L-Wnt3a cells with IC50 of 64 pM in luciferase reporters assays.

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